Saturday, December 23, 2006

Pre-Christmas Fun

Today Susie and I took Jack to Leu Gardens, a nature park full of much flora for looky loos and the very same park that I formally proposed to Susie on both knees. Jack loved it as did we. He loves to walk up to flower beds, sit in the middle of them and carefully touch every one of them while giggling.
Future botanist, florist, Ralph Waldo Emerson??? Or, maybe he just likes nature like his mother and father or the "f"ing nature like his Uncle Joe (so, my wife tells me).
After walking about a mile through the park, which is several acres, Jack suddenly went of the beaten path, found a small labeled tree, and sat down next to it. As I walked up to him, I read the was a "Jacktree". Jack began digging into the ground, covering himself in dirt as if doing some strange ritual only Jack's would know. After about 10 minutes of picture shooting, Jack decided he was done, returned to the beaten path, found a puddle and washed his hands off.

A great time was had by all!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas is coming and Jack is getting phat...

That's right...Jack is getting P-H-A-T which means least it did in 1996. He has a huge vocab now, has begun singing his songs on his favorite shows, and even counts when someone else does.

Our weekend getaway was a huge success as we slept in late, went to bed late, consumed adult beverages and ate very expensive food.

Then, after the weekend, Susie went to work and I took Jack to Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure. Jack had his first snow cone, played at the playgrounds, rode the Seuss Merry go round and went on the Cat In the Hat Ride. Then Jack picked out a present for his mother. Cool thing is, I have a season pass and Jack is free so it was a very fun and inexpensive outing.

Yesterday, Jack got to visit the Animal Kingdom lodge, one of the Disney Resorts. The lodge is set up so it feels as if you are on a savannah in Africa. Jack saw his first Giraffe, Zebra, and Bison but it was Susie that seemed the most excited.

I think Jack is being so good as to prevent a coal filled stocking. Hope everyone has a great Christmas!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Back in the Blog Saddle

Let me recap the past 3 weeks. Thanksgiving was great but the days following warranted a renaming of the entire weekend as Angstgiving. Then I got sick, Jack got sicker, and Susie got a bit sick but mostly tired as hell from taking care of the sickos. Now we are all better. Except Jack is still coughing and phlegmy but better all the same. Somewhere in there we bought a tree, hung the lights and worked too much. Then we tried to get a family photo but Jack decided to flip out right at picture time resulting in us leaving and deciding to take our own photo at if we don't have enough already. Oh, and Jack now has about 12 teeth including a couple of molars. So that certainly flavored the past few weeks mood wise.

Blogging has not been on my radar to say the least.

This weekend Susie and I are off to stay in a resort hotel, eat at Emeril's Chop Chop while leaving The Boog with my parents. WE CAN'T FREAKIN WAIT!!!

Thanks to my mother-in-law I may even have some new digs to wear as she sent me a gift card to Kenneth Cole...thanks ma'n'law.
Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits