Monday, June 11, 2007

A week in the life of Jack

Bicycle lessons begin with our new bike and seat (He loves them)

Swim lessons with our new teacher (He tolerates them)...he can already find the side when put underwater within reach and float all alone on his back...We're proud of the little waterbug!

We ended up at Disney World this weekend after someone was supposed
to let us in for free to MGM but did not show. As it was Sunday morning and we had already
gotten Jack all excited and were sitting in the parking lot while singing the Mickey Mouse Club song, we decided to pay to go to Magic Kingdom ($140).

5 Hours after arriving at Magic Kingdom
(we weren't leaving after dropping $140 on tickets),
Jack was pooped out...the temperature on
his high tech stroller read 105 degrees!

Later that evening, Jack says "Mickey, Magic" while showing off his mouse ears!
The Disney bug has struck!

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits