Monday, March 20, 2006

Dock Walks

Susie, Jack and I had a great weekend over the past couple of days. After Jack and I watched the sunrise and briskly walked a few miles to get a wedding present for the second week in a row, we spent Saturday at Jack's third wedding experience and second time in his tuxedo (pictures to follow soon). The wedding was for an uncle I don't know very well who likes to ride Harleys. Jack was passed around like the lead singer of a rock n roll band after stage diving into an ocean of fans for about an hour. He had a great time and seems to relish the spotlight as much as his Aunt Sunny...oh no!!! Another artist? I don't know if I can handle it. For some reason, Jack remained quiet during both of the wedding he attended recently until the actual ceremony begins. Then, like clockwork, he decides to practice his phonetics while chewing on his fist which creates some very loud noises I might add.

Anyway, Jack's Grammy Val and Grampy Rich (my parents) continue to melt every time they see him about 2 to 3 times a week. Jack clearly loves them both as he smiles endlessly (not really but alot) until they give him back to his keepers. They have developed all of their own little funny ways of talking to him which he recognizes and which are distinctly different than Susie and I's repetoire which is undoubtedly great for him developmentally speaking.

After the biker wedding, we headed home and Jack went to bed after our ritual Dock Walk (where we take Jack to the dock on our lake for a calming down before dinner and bed). It helps me too. I have gotten away from meditating as I had done for a couple of years relatively regularly and the Dock Walk seems to be a gradual return to this.

Jack went to bed at around 5:30 and awoke at 9:30 and then slept the rest of the night, waking when the sun came up. Susie got up with him and I followed about an hour later, savoring my chance to sleep in.

After preparing the boy for a day of art and Winter Park hobnobbing (spelling?), we were off. We took Jack to the art festival all decked out in his I Love N.Y. onesie and red shorts and hat. In the carrier/papoose thing, he spent about an hour with us looking at art and listening to music while people smiled at him and he smiled back. Then, at some point, Jack ate his picnic lunch, a vintage bottle of the white stuff circa March 2006 (formula) in the park while lying in his mothers lap. Then he moved to the stroller for another hour or so and fell asleep awaking about 45 minutes later with a smile on his face as Susie and I finished our cherished glasses of red wine...savoring every last drop. Then, while changing him, he filled the stroller with his own urine, soaking his N.Y. onesie and sucking on it simultaneously...he's a gross baby! After a new set of clothes and another 30 minutes of walking around, we headed home.

After some sweet potatoes, another dock walk, and touching base with family members by phone, Jack was asleep again by 5:30. He slept on my lap for 30 minutes and then I put him in the crib. This is where he remained until almost 7am this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bags under my eyes have begun to lift. Even though I locked my keys in my car for the first time in over ten years on Friday and Susie lost her keys this morning for I believe the first time ever, I think we are coming out of the fog.

Just thought I would share what amounts to the most calm and pleasure filled weekend with Senor Smooth that we've had to date.

I love my family.


suebaby said...

It was a GREAT weekend. I love my family, too. You forgot to mention the life size Jesus hanging on the cross made entirely of rusty nails. You never know what you're going to see at an Art Festival!?

Keith said...

I also forgot to mention the Britney Spears contest, your gigantic chicken pita, the emotionally damaging father who scolded his child every five minutes arbitrarily in the park for all to see, the life size Bear made out of rusty nails, and the how we both got drunk on one glass of wine while our baby remained oblivious to our reckless stroller driving.

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits