Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Happy 6 Month Birthday Jack!!!

Jack's screaming in the other room with his mother. Apparently he hates birthdays as this is his worst day in about a week. He has actually been eating a ton and has slept through the night on a handful of occasions but today it's back to teething hell, poor eating, and extra crying/fussiness.

On Sunday, Jack went to his first wedding, not counting Susie and I's wedding. He was all decked out in a tux. The picture is below for all to see. The cuteness can't be captured in words. And, yes, he did our hair.

This coming weekend we have yet another wedding to attend and plan to go to an art festival. The kid needs more culture in his life and Susie and I have been culturally starved for over a year now.

So today, after work, I met Susie and Jack at the mall where they have made their second home. Jack fell asleep and we walked around looking for things we need. While buying a bedskirt for our bed, some woman says to me while in line to pay, "that's a beautiful color". I said, "Mmm hmmm". Susie laughed at my lack of small talk desire. This is not the first time I have had this pointed out to me nor am I oblivious to my lack of initiative in this area. I simply don't want to talk about the color of my sheets. I think some people would enjoy this sort of conversation but I simply don't. Does this make me anti-social? I don't think so. I didn't ignore the woman or seem unpleasant but I simply didn't open the door to the cornucopia filled with sheet talk.

The funny thing is, when in India, Italy, France or other places that I have travelled, I like small talk. I don't know what it is specifically that contributes to this nuance in my own preferences. For some reason, I feel like conversations with people in far away places bring me closer together with them while conversations with people in the mall simply bring me closer to knowing things I don't care to know. The other part of that is, I think the small talk in many of the places I have travelled to is different than here. For example, it often begins with where are you from? What bring you here? It also seems to link to passions or livelihoods. Like, stories about how this fruit stand is the greatest one, or, how generations of one's family are linked to any given place. I guess that's it. The small talk is in the form of a story and often leads to getting to know someone. It isn't about the color of a sheet or how cute your baby is.

This is probably all b.s. as I think I'm just longing for some travel...I'm due!

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Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits