Friday, May 25, 2007

Rocky (The story of MY pregnancy)

This is a survey my wife and her friends are filling out and I felt left I decided to talk about MY FIRST BABY!

1. WAS YOUR FIRST PREGNANCY PLANNED? No... it was immaculate!

2. WERE YOU MARRIED AT THE TIME? Yes...about two months.

3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? I was in severe pain.

4. WAS ABORTION AN OPTION FOR YOU? If I could have, I would have.



7. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? I told my wife that my side hurt...then I told the doctor who acted as if I was just having a sympathy pregnancy as my wife was pregnant at the same time.

8. DID YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX? I knew from the start that my baby was assexual.

9. DUE DATE: Noone seemed to know!

10. DID YOU DELIVER EARLY OR LATE? I'm not quite sure when I delivered...I just knew it was gone because the pain went away and the doctor who read my results told me it was gone.

11. DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? No, but I did get Vertigo at the same time I was pregnant which made it very difficult for me to stand for about a week but antibiotics finally zapped that as it was due to an infection in my ear. I also had an extremely low temperature...around 95 for a few days and extreme pain in my back.

12. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? I drank Cranberry juice trying to get rid of the pain but basically I just craved sleep as I lay in the bed shivering a great deal of time.

13. WHO IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? The doctor who acted as if it was simply sympathy for my wife...who was also prego!




17. DID YOU HAVE A BABY SHOWER? No...noone cared to give my baby anything...although we did have 4 for my wife's simultaneous pregnancy.

18. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? See above comments about noone caring!

19. DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? It was awful...I thought I was going to die from the pain as I was shaking irritated my kidney but other than that, no.

20.WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? In my studio apartment I think but it's hard to say for sure!

21. HOW MAY HOURS WERE YOU IN LABOR? It seemed like a week straight!

22.WHO DROVE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL? No hospital, although Susie drove me to the dr. office and outpatient clinic for the MRI

23.WHO WATCHED? Noone watched the birth I hope as it was a very private moment!

24.WAS IT NATURAL OR C-SECTION? It was not a C-section but I don't no that natural is the right word either!


26.HOW MUCH DID YOUR CHILD WEIGH? Not sure as I couldn't find it.

27.DID YOUR CHILD HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS? Not sure of this one either.

28.WHAT DID YOU NAME HIM/HER? Rocky, because he was a Kidney Stone!!!

29. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST BORN TODAY? He is approximately 2 years old next month!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

North Carolina...Paris & Tuscany???

June is here! Homework Club is closed...yippee!

Summer plans include: Running a grass roots summer camp for at-risk kids...yikes...during the month of June. Then, in July, we will take a family road trip to North Carolina where we will rendezvous with Susie's family. On the way up and on the way back we plan to stop in at Amelia Island and enjoy the beach. After that, we've got no plans...yippee!

Best of all though is our plan to go to Paris and Italy in May of next year. There, I said it. Now we have to do it! Sorry Jack but Mommy & Daddy must go! Grandparents beware...for 10 days you will be under the Sultans direct rule! Don't worry Jack...I promise to bring you some chocolate and wine from abroad...oh, you don't drink wine...well, what shall we do with 6 bottles of fine Chianti from Tuscany?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Miami con Jack

We had a great weekend!

Somewhere around Tuesday of last week, Susie and I decided to trek down to Miami with the boy to practice for planned upcoming trips to North Carolina (July) and Tennessee (October). Plus, Jack has progressively become better about the car so we figured we should test him out on a 4 hour road trip.

Little did we know that he not only loves road trips, but he now loves sleeping at other peoples houses as well. Each night, after days full of car driving, hiking in the hammocks, petting zoos, bon fires, meeting with strange and unusual relatives (my family), and only a couple of very short naps, the boy slept like a rock. In the car, Jack was content to sit and look out the window, take short naps, and sing along with the music.

In short, Jack was the perfect angel this weekend. He actually made the drive seem shorter than normal as he was quite entertaining most of the time.

One things for sure, my kid is the best! He was so sweet to all his relatives that he doesn't know very well, dropping, "thank you", "I Love You", and giving hugs to everyone. Despite his being an introvert it was clear that he knew how to be sociable when he has to.

Way to go Jack. I'm proud of you and you made your mother happy too on her second Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Favorite Show Crisis

30 Rock for the past several months has become my favorite show of about 2 shows that I even watch. The other being The Office. The crisis arose one morning on my way to work upon listenting to Alec Baldwin berating his 11 year old daughter on a phone message that I'm sure everyone has heard by now, calling her a "pig" and threatening to "set her ass straight".

The crisis for me manifests as such...I want to watch the show but deeply disapprove of the abusive man's actions in the show. Further, I'm not even sure if I can find him funny anymore anyway. The fact is, if I knew of everyone's closet domestic violence behaviors, I would probably be forced to stop interacting with nearly half the world or more. So should I stop watching 30 Rock as I have or should I simply ignore my morals/values and watch it anyhow simply because it's on and my decision not to watch has very little impact, if any at all? Is this the same as letting someone tell "rabbi jokes" and not saying anything or keeping a friend that uses the "n" word or different because Mr. Baldwin is in tv land?

If feel like C. Thomas Howell in "Soul Man".

Kindergarten Fever

Last night, Susie and I suddenly had a realization...someday in the next 4 years we are going to have to drop our little boy off at SCHOOL! I think we were watching a commercial with a parent doing just that and we both nearly cried. I still remember crying when I went to kg...not just once but every day for at least a month. The thing is, Jack will probably be fine but once again I expect to be crying for a month straight. Maybe we'll just home school him...I'm sure being an only child, home schooled won't lead to any problems...or at least nothing that 20 years of therapy can't cure.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Lil Sasquatch?

Is Jack actually a desendant of Bigfoot? Notice the gait and the placement of the arms. While Jack may not be hairy as of yet, there is no doubt he will be quite hairy by 33 as his father (myself) is growing hair at an alarming rate in places hair should not even grow. I suppose I should be extra nice to our young Sasquatch as he may grow up to be quite long as he doesn't evolve into the disgustingly, smelly Skunk Ape as they are hunted in these parts

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Tomorrow is the day I throw this big event at my school called Family Fun Night which is anything but "FUN" for me. It involves a great deal of food, games, and a talent show all set up by ME! The next day I will attend the most boring and mundane training mandated by those that fund my job...meanwhile, all I want to do is spend time with my family.

Jack is soooooooooo funny now. Yesterday he told a bunny in our backyard..."hello bunny...bye, bye, have a good day". We just finished making mud puddles in our bushes which Jack stomped in for 30 minutes straight saying, "dirty, dirty, mud, mud". The temper tantrums have definitely calmed down a bit seemingly correlated to learning the word "help". Perhaps the Beatles knew a 19 month old when they wrote that song.

Jack has a cold again, Susie is just about over it, and I think I'm getting it! What the hell...I think we need to live in a bubble.

Aside...Alec were my comedic idol and now you've ruined it with your crappy fatherdom. No more 30 Rock for as this was about the only show we watch except for The Office...

Time to go bathe those ladden in mud!
Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits