Monday, April 9, 2007

The Virus? and Susie's Birthday!!!!

A week ago yesterday, Jack came down with what would turn out to be a virus, at least we think. Over the course of 4 days, Jack maintained a temperature at or above 103 reaching as high as 104.7 on at least 3 occassions. I missed 4 days of work as we were on pins and needles, going back and forth to doctors appointments, filling the boog up with antibiotics and motrin, driving around in the car for hours in the middle of the night, and sometimes just staring at the poor little guy laying helplessly. After blood work, two injections of antibiotics (in case the blood work revealed a bacteria, and a ridiculously bad experience with our pediatrician (who we are firing once again), Jack's fever finally went away. So, we think it was a virus? But, as usual, noone knows. The important thing is the boy is eating and drinking and laughing, and sleeping (not through the night but sleeping all the same), and basically returning to normal.

Meanwhile, today is Susie's 30th birthday. I was planning all kinds of fun stuff but in the midst of The Virus everything was put on hold. We did get to go stay in a hotel Saturday while my parents releaved us of our caretaking duties. We danced the night away after a nice dinner at our favorite club, Independent Bar, and got a little messy. Anyway...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my best friend in the whole world! A "due over" birthday is definitely in order!

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Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits