Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What's New?

The boy is yelling at me as I type this because he wants to "eat" (it's 30 minutes until dinner time), "stairs" (he wants to go back downstairs), "no" (he wants me to stop whatever I'm doing, no matter what it is) he needs "help" because he's "stuck" in the between the chair and the wall. Oh well, so much for blogging. Actually that sums up what's going on in these parts pretty well. Temper tantrum beginning and now fully happening!

Since I make concerted efforts to ignore these at all costs, I'll keep writing.

This past weekend Susie and I took Jack to Tavares for the Thomas the train fair/tourist trap extravaganza. Jack loved it...I think! It was a bit overwhelming but he then went home and played with his Thomas the train set he got the day before the rest of the evening.

The next day we took Jack out all day to a Latin Parade that we didn't mean to go to. Jack liked that to...I'm not sure we can say the same. We met our friends Jay and Steff and Jack liked that too. He's a huge show off and clearly prefers the ladies in his life to the men. it's really time to go as Jack has locked himself in his bedroom...must find skeleton key!

Bye Bye!

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Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits