One of my favorite books when I was a kid was A Monster At The End Of This Book where Grover spends the entire book obsessing about a monster that it turns out isn't there at all. In fact, the monster is him! Well, my baby boy has what appears to be a monster in his head and I'm hoping this story ends the same as that book I read so many years ago.
Last week, my son Jack was sent to get a CT scan of his brain due to the rate at which his skull was growing. While his head is large, it is actually the growth rate that alerted the pediatrician, Dr. Zane Kalter, that there may have been a problem.
We found our pediatrician via the information superhighway. Somewhere in the midst of the end of my wife's 3rd trimester we became aware that it was a good idea to have a doctor to "trim the turkey" off our babies unmentionables the day after he was born. We actually met with Dr. Kalter about two weeks before Jack was born. Kalter graduated from NYU top of his class in the 60's I believe; he also attended a very prestigious New York High School for geniuses. I know this because I wanted to know every detail about the man I could find before stepping into his office. This is the way I am now. I trust noone. I think everyone is out for themselves. In fact, I think people are evil or at the very least selfish. Therefore, I needed to find out more about this Zane character before allowing him near our baby's tackle.
To be continued...
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