Monday, February 20, 2006

So Jack was born.

Everything was just how we expected and worse. He cried non-stop for what seemed to be 2 months straight. Then it slowed but only after changing formulas several times, treating him for gastro-reflux, and basically watching him suffer helplessly.

Susie and I struggled with our new lifestyle as parents. We became addicted to Dr. Phil, Bridezillas, and I'm Just Being Bobby Brown. Susie cried alot and I cussed at the bottles, the cat, the baby, the cars that moved to slow in front of me everyday to and from work, and some man at the grocery store that moved to the next available check out when the store clerk asked, "next in line", and he beat me there because...I WAS THE NEXT IN LINE!!! Funny thing is, he was about 150 lbs. heavier than me despite my newfound 20 lbs. and very mean looking with a voice that resonated somewhere in the depths of satans bowels it seemed. I told him he was rude and he told me, "that's your opinion". I said, "no, it is a fact", proceeding to recap the event that just took place in case he was unaware of what had happened. After stating again, "that's your opinion", he left and then I told the store clerk, a Napoleon Dynamite look-alike, "this is actually your fault for not telling him I was next". He apologized and looked very scared but I think he was scared all of the time not because of this particular incident at hand. Basically, through my red colored lenses of anger, the world was in my way as I attempted to stumble home to cook dinner, feed my baby, commiserate with my wife of less than a year about freedom lost, and attempt to pause our cerebellums with our t.v. shows of choice.

I've decided not to describe Jack in detail regarding the "colic" era knowing full well I cannot capture it fully. Noone can. You have to live it! This is proven by all the books, magazines, blogs, etc., I have read. If you think your baby had "colic", consider these things first, did you want to die, did you want to kill, did you want to disappear, did you cry, did you think you were the victim of a very evil, sinister plan of which you could never recover or gain control...if your answer is a resounding, Amen brother, then maybe your baby had colic. If your baby cried alot...shut the hell up!!!!!


suebaby said...

I say a resounding YES to all of your colic- deducing questions. It's funny how the REAL colic people can sniff each other out. I'll never forget the woman who suggested you say, "Shhh..." to Jack. What an idiot. Clearly, she is not the parent of colic kids.

sandie said...

Woohoo more blogs for me to read!

You know-- there's so much mystery surrounding "colic"-- what is it? why does it happen? etc etc. and so much controversy that whenever anyone asks if Dane was colicky I just say... "Well, he did cry... quite ferociously... for quite a long time. What do you think about that?!"

Anyway, glad you're writing and that I have more reading material for my day! I love hearing about Jack!

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits