Friday, September 29, 2006

Paper sucks!

I hate paperwork. Right now, at work, after training a group of "good kids" to give tours to new students and then deescalating an angry little boy who is basically homeless and wearing pants he thinks are embarrasing and wanting to punch everyone and everything that crosses his path, I have finally had a chance to breathe. I'm sitting at my desk staring at a mountain of paperwork. My weeks have become so busy I don't have time to even make a dent in the pile of paperwork that only counselors and maybe those in government jobs could possibly understand.

Anyway, paperwork is my nemesis. I've always had a problem with it. When I counsel a kid, which I do for a living for those of you that don't know, I have to fill out anywhere from 3 to 6 pieces of paper on that mtg alone. Multiply this times several mtg's with kids per day and well you can see how it begins to stack up. Then throw in all the other beaurocratic b.s. paperwork and, you get the picture. Mountainous.

Imagine a world with NO paperwork. A world with crystal clear streams of spring water, birds chirping from the tree tops, and fresh, homemade blueberry muffins, still warm from the oven with real butter...imagine it and then come back to reality. Time to do paperwork! Of course, some kid will fly through my office door at any minute, screaming that so and so wrote that his mother is fat on the bathroom wall above the urinal. I'll tell him to write, "that's not true", next to it. 6 more pieces of paper. Maybe I'll just let it continue to pile up and quit when someone asks me to do it? Who invented paper anyway...hmmmm, papyrus, Egyptians I think...I hate Egyptians!!!

1 comment:

suebaby said...

Don't hate Egyptians... they invented mummies.

ugh... progess notes... contact logs... timesheets... activity logs... monthly reports...

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits