Thursday, September 7, 2006

The Homework Club

So far so good. We have 3 people who have signed their kids up for the entire month! We have not advertised other than a few flyer's and signs in the adjacent dance studio so we are pleased thus far. Saturday I plan to put on my used car salesman suit and start aggressively pulling people in if possible. Eventually we will hit the neighborhoods with flyers and advertise in the local papers but the idea is to start small so we can work the bugs out.

I have to admit, because of my sharp aversion to failure, this has been very difficult from an ego standpoint. If things fall apart I will be very disappointed but will get over it. On the other hand, I'm not going to let it fail. I will literally go door to door until I find some kids who need help.

This is the first time I've ever made money on something I (and Susie) created. It's very rewarding to get acknowledgement that other's are interested in your ideas no matter how simple they are. Further, it's empowering to make money out of nothing...I'm used to making money for others and getting paid a little out of the whole lot. I loathe working FOR others and love the prospect of working for myself and especially in a partnership with my favorite person (Suebaby)

With regard to Jack, it's hard to leave in the morning at 7am and get home at almost 9pm. I won't see him at all 2 full days and nights per week. It does, however, make the time I do get with him on the days Susie works late that much better. Susie and I will also miss each other at least 4 nights a week which is also difficult.

However, when we are working for ourselves and taking yearly trips to Europe, I think it will all seem quite worth it.


Anonymous said...

It will DEFINITELY be worth it. You guys are doing something profoundly important. Jack's a lucky boy to have good people like you both. I hope you're successful beyond your dreams.

p.s. Everytime I go to Gymboree or the pediatrician, etc. I always pick up those little magazines of local ads for things like kid playgrounds, magicians, pool fences, everything kiddie. Do you have the same type of publication in St. Cloud? That would be a good place to advertise...not sure of the $$ though.

suebaby said...

Amy, you are like the nicest person ever!!! Thanks for the kind words... Go Homework Club!

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits