Monday, November 20, 2006

The Boog has a cold

Jack's nickname for a long time now has been Boog. I morphed Luv Bug which is what we called him in utero and Booger together and formed his new name.

Anyway, he has a cold now. Yesterday we took him to the ICE extravaganza at Gaylord Palms. This consists of 2 million lbs. of ice sculptures and Christmasy fun...Boog decided it wasn't fun! He cried, fussed, yelled, screamed, and pretended he was 2 years old the entire time. Meanwhile, being that we were actually there to celebrate my sister's birthday, we decided to stay thinking Boog would eventually come around. Nope.

Today he slept in, still sleeping when I left for work. This morning I was notified by The Mother that he is sneezing, coughing, and his nose is running. Poor kid has a cold and we dragged him around all day through 9 degree temperatures...oh yeah, and he's only one!

Oh well. Hopefully we don't have to cancel our Thanksgiving plans which include dinner at the beach with my mother's family and two nights in a cabin style hotel. Worst case scenario, we stay home and watch free HBO all weekend...hmmm, perhaps this cold thing isn't so bad afterall.

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