Monday, November 6, 2006

Don't Forget To Vote

Anyone who knows me or has read this blog knows how I feel about apathy. I believe the biggest problem in this country, believe it or not, is not George W. but the apathy and ignorance of the citizens within it. I for one can say I don't always vote and do not stay as informed as I should regarding politics whether local or national. I feel I need to do better in this regard in order to uphold my responsibility as a member of the most powerful nation in the world.

That said, tomorrow is a very important day for all of us as voters. The decisions our government has made and will continue to make are directly related to who we as citizens decide to put in office. Since I've been alive, there has never been a more important election. If you think it doesn't matter, I personally feel you're wrong. The last time I heard that, our country voted in one of the most radical presidents our country has ever known despite warnings from those who predicted he was a war mongering, gay hating, Christian cowboy, with unprecedented short sightedness and zero tolerance for diversity. Need proof, look at the state of this country and the world we live in now compared to 6 years ago.

Please vote. As Americans it is the single most important and responsible thing we can do. When we don't do it, we are saying we don't care about those most directly affected by the decisions our government makes. This type of thinking has resulted in decisions being made that affect us all in more ways than just our pocketbooks. The reason our country has gotten where it has is because of apathy and ignorance.

"What's the difference anyway, politicians are all the same". This simply is not true...not all politicians want war, not all politicians are against a womens right to choose, not all politicians are against gay marriage, or for inhumane immigration reforms, or reducing taxes for the rich, or allowing for education to spiral out of control, or running our government like Enron. If you need help deciding who believes in what and what a politicians platform and just as important what they've actually done in terms of voting records and the like, you can visit

For one day out of the year, tomorrow, put down your remote control, shut down blogger, turn off your IPod, cancel your yoga class, skip your nap, turn off Oprah(who will likely be telling you to vote), whatever it takes to get to your polling place. If you aren't registered, get registered tomorrow instead of voting and be sure to vote next time. Sitting there means you don't care. Even if you don't care for yourself...please care for the rest of the world and those who will inherit it that can't vote, like Jack.

Go through your address book on your cell phone and computer and call/e-mail everyone you know. Tell them how much it would mean to you if they vote on Tuesday. If they don't know where to vote, help them find their polling place.

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