Thursday, January 18, 2007

Judah Barry

The bird is back. Well, he/she never went away. For the past 3 nights, seemingly all night, the bird a.k.a. Judah Barry (no explanation as to why we named it this) has been terrorizing us. Last night, JB chirped all night but it wasn't until around 4:30am when my wife was found cleaning cat puke off the carpet that I woke up. Only to stay awake for the rest of the day. Jack awoke at 5:30am and Susie got up with him. She had already been awake since, I think 3 days ago. I layed there, pillow over head, devising a name for The Bird...for no reason Judah Barry popped into my head and there you have it.

How can we turn this wheel of unrest, this cycle of bird hatred, this sleep deprived fog into something positive? How can we stop the madness? Will life ever be the same again? Will I hate birds for the rest of my life?

Answers: We can't, we're doomed, no, and yes!


Anonymous said...

either that or buy some plastic owls, cats, or other predators and put them out where you think the bird is. seems to work for pigeons. or, buy a real cat and let her loose :)

and in response to your previous post - "why do babies eat dirt and why do babies puke for no reason?" I think the first part of that question answers the second...

How bout them gators? Now we just need a manning super bowl win and maybe keith never watches football again. then maybe the rest of us can win at fantasy football. :P


Keith said...

Thanks for the suggestions although the bird is in a swamp. I don't know that decorating my backyard with various bird spooking devices will help. He will probably just laugh at me.

As far as the name Judah Barry, which I'm sure some are wondering about...Judah of course was/is a biblical character..." Judah is represented as a man of extraordinary physical strength. When he shouted his voice was heard at a distance of 400 parasangs" (that's far). Barry represents crazy to me for some odd reason (one reason may be a certain family member who shares the name and another may be the lead character in Punch Drunk Love who likes to suddenly smash things as this bird makes me want to do.

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits