Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Jack updates

This past weekend I finally cut the boy's hair. Now he looks like a man (pictures to follow soon if our computer can get on-line long enough to upload the pics). He also has been eating huge amounts of food and sucking down gallons of milk...I think he's hitting a growth spurt. The boy has truly become a real person with an incredible sense of humor.

Things he does to make us laugh include:

1) Dancing as if in the 80's video for "I Like Big Butts" until we laugh

2) "Fisheye"--this thing where he looks at you out of the corner of one eye while pretending to be turning away...he usually cracks himself up too

3) The other day he brought his mother a present from his diaper...only he wasn't wearing a diaper and what should have gone in the diaper ended up on the floor and then in his hand...he knew it was garbage and mommy needed to help!

4) He practices to take on the great hot dog eating champion of the world, Kobayashi (don't ask why I know this), by stuffing 50 Cheerios in his mouth at once...it's scary and funny at the same time.

5) Spinning...he loves to make himself dizzy and stumble around after a good spin.

The boy is doing great...we are enjoying him more than ever lately. I try to savor the babydom as I know it will be gone sooner than we know it. He already seems like a little boy and no longer a baby.

The Boog is killing me with cuteness his cuteness!

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