Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Where are they now?

I wonder what percentage of people look up old friends when sitting at a computer with nothing to do? The other day I looked up an ex-girlfriend only to find out she is about to get married. In the past I've looked up other ex's discovering marriages, kids, lucrative jobs. I've also looked up old friends discovering interesting jobs or places they lived. Sometimes I find websites, blogs, or even pictures of them. Somehow I form some pieced together perception of who they are now which is probably way off considering the tiny bits of info I come up with.

How strange that I know these things about people I may not have seen or spoken to in over 10, 15 or sometimes 20 years. I've even looked up kids I went to elementary school with...one is a championship, one-legged, special olympic skier who survived cancer. Somehow I usually assume that if I find absolutely nothing that the person didn't or hasn't done very much to date...doesn't really even make sense. I always feel a bit stalkerish even though I know everyone else is doing it too. In the old days, this kind of detective work would probably lead most to assume you had a problem or maybe even result in an injunction.

I wonder who has looked me up? They probably would have found The Homework Club website and from that seen my picture and also obtained an abbreviated work history. They may have found this blog and then found out all about my family and so forth. Perhaps they found nothing and think I have been up to nothing. For some reason when I write this blog I never think of people that I knew but don't know anymore or people I don't like reading it, I always think of friends, family and maybe a few curious cats who don't know me reading it.

What a strange world will live in...perhaps someday I'll run into some old high school friend who will ask, "How's Jack?" I wonder if I'll be creeped out?

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Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits