Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A Four Day Weekend Hi"jack"ed

The boy's still got it! Just when he begins to overwhelm you with cuteness, he reminds you of his powers. The weekend was rrrrrufffff, to say the least. This in part due to the fact that we have become creatures of habit. Suddenly, our carefully designed schedule was thrown out of whack leaving us with 4 incredibly hot days, no babysitters available, and Jack. This means we were limited to being in our house, going to the mall, very early morning outings, museums, and the pool.

Aside, walking around a museum, with a baby spitting up on you, after sitting outside waiting for it to open in sweltering heat and humidity, ultimately results in lack of appreciation for the art inside. Jack liked it. He seemed to like anything this weekend that did not involve sitting and relaxing or us sleeping through the night.

Yesterday he had an "aha" moment...he suddenly realized that making us pick things up that he drops is fun...good timing Jack...push us to our limits and then toy with us. This is why you have earned the nickname "The Sultan".

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