Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Conner--You are truly missed

A very good friend of mine gave me some very bad news yesterday. He informed me that he and his wife had lost their baby boy, Conner. He died the day after delivery due to severe complications.

I have never been in that position before but, as a parent, I know it must be among the most difficult things anyone could ever deal with.

Conner had great parents that he only got to know for a few moments. He died in his fathers arms who I know loved him very much.

Conner you may have only been alive for short time but you are truly missed. We are thinking of you and your family.


suebaby said...

My thoughts are with Conner and all of his family members, too.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I know that your heart is with them.

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits