Monday, August 28, 2006

Busy, Busy

After a relaxing weekend with Susie's parents, it's almost time for our grand opening!

My in-laws, Dee and Brad, were in town for the weekend. We hadn't seen them since December at Christmas so it was a well overdue visit. We had a great time sharing Jack with them and they seemed to love staring at him, playing with him, laughing with him, and even his newfound high pitched scream. It was nice to get some pictures and memories with someone outside of my family for a change. They both love Jack very much and it was great to watch them show it in person. I know Jack had fun with them too.

Moving on, September 5th is opening day for The Homework Club. The carpet is in, the books and supplies are in, but everything is laying on the floor as there is no furniture, decorations, curtains, etc. So, we will have our hands full for the next week trying to prepare in what looks like will be our first hurricane of the season.

If you don't hear from us or we seem like we've dropped off the face of the earth as many of you already think we have; you know where we'll be.

New Homework Club website address if your interested:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can not thank you more for being the person that you are.

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits