Monday, August 14, 2006

Roadtrip and College

Jack went to college on Saturday. We stopped by my alma mater while on our way to a baby shower in the Tampa area. I told Jack not to go to a state school as they are just degree manufacturing machines but he just ignored me. He said he would go where he long as he goes to college, I guess I'm fine with that.

The trip to Tampa was experimental as it was the longest time Jack has spent in the car. He was great all day. In fact, I felt like we should do something special for him. That is until the trip back home. Baby screaming on I-4 after a day in the heat, with heaps of driving, and baby showering, is a true test in patience. Let's put it this way, the next day I felt like I was injured. My body hurt and I felt like laying in the bed all day which of course did not happen. Jack's grade for road tripping, a resounding B+...sorry Jack...would have been an A but that scream has already made me a little bit looney tunes and you just about freaked me out when it sounded like you threw up in your carseat from screaming so much. Not a good sound when you can't see your baby!

Next test, Miami. Within the next month hopefully. If you pray, we will need your prayers, if you don't we will need your money.

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