Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Senator McCain is throwing blame at Clinton for the current problems in international affairs, namely with Iraq and North Korea. This seems to be the strategy of the Republican Party at large as they prepare to lose the White House to Hillary in 2008.

Fact is, McCain plans more of the same. He believes our foreign policies are currently the correct ones. What? Have you seen the state of the world right now? Bill Clinton agrees that he was unable to come up with solutions to the problems on several fronts internationally, however, he was actively attempting to work on these. Talks were happening with North Korea. Madeline Albright actually visited Pyongyang. Further, negotiations were on the table throughout.

If we want to play the game of who dropped the ball we could probably keep going back generations and generations of presidents. Did Bush's father solve the middle east problems or the issues in North Korea? What about Reagan, Carter, and so on? Obviously not. These are problems that are decades and in some cases centuries old. It cannot be denied that these problems have gotten worse and in some cases been mishandled disproportionately to past administrations over the past 6 years.

It is clear that our current policies are alienating us from the rest of the world and further endangering our freedoms rather than doing what they claim...protecting them. We certainly are less safe today than before Bush came to office 6 years ago, before we attacked Iraq, and before we developed blanket policies of "do it our way or suffer the consequences". Are we trying to make the regions of the world that already despise our wealth and power hate us even more by contributing to the killing over 1/2 a million people with no tangential purpose to a just cause. Who the hell do we think we are?

Protecting human rights is certainly a just cause but attacking sovereign nations because of made up links to terrorist attacks and sighting weapons that don't exist is not conducive to quelling tensions or even stopping a cycle of hatred and violence.

Where are the people that think we are in a good position today as a nation from a safety standpoint? Who thinks that what we are doing is a "good idea" or helping? Who actually believes that these policies are working? Republican candidates apparently!

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