Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New Anti Smoking Slogan--Lookout Nancy Reagan

"Smoke Cigarettes, Stink Like Poop"
Written by a 3rd grader to remain anonymous in case this catches on and I can reap the royalties from t-shirts, hats, commercials, etc...

Kids don't care if your lungs turn black. As soon as the picture of black lungs is taken away they forget. They don't see black lungs on those who smoke in front of them. Kids don't care about cancer...they think they're going to live forever.

Kids DO care about being called stinky, gross, or smelly. Kids DO care if everyone views smoking as a disgusting, dirty habit.

Therefore, if you want kids to not smoke, make it incredibly, socially undesirable. One of my 3rd graders compared smoking to marinating your body in poop for however long you smoke. You can't get it out of your clothes, furniture, car, hair, skin, etc...this based on living with parents who smoke, a lot...not sure how he knows what happens if you marinate in poop?

Kids don't want to be socially undesirable so sorry smokers but the only way to teach my munchkins not to smoke is to make you out to be gross, disgusting and slovenly. I guess you better quit before they see you and say, "ewww".

One kid shared her grandmother quit at 67 and has been smoke free for two years. Way to go grandma. Hope for my in-laws.


Anonymous said...

I cannot wait for the public smoking ban to come into force in England... it will be amazing to come home from a pub or club and still smell relatively sweet ... of course, it's probably we'll smell of sweat, but that's an improvement on the smoke!

suebaby said...

Hell, yeah! Cigarette smoke is GROSS! I lived with a smoker for years and I had no idea how yucky it was until I moved out and got some fresh air.

A few weeks after moving out, I realized everything from my sneakers to my underwear smelled like smoke and I wasn't even the smoker! I absolutely cannot stand to breathe it or smell it and the absolute best gift I could ever get would be for those I love to quit... which I know is a lot to hope for, but I'm not giving up.

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits