Saturday, January 6, 2007

Why do kids eat dirt? Over and over again!

I know that they are curious...but why would a human child continue to put large amounts of very dark, mineral rich dirt into their mouth even after trying it several times before? The same human child that will not eat delicious foods even when covered in sugar, butter, or salt!

Here is my theory...somewhere down the evolutionary line, our sapien friends did not know about nutrition and therefore did not necessarily keep their offspring filled with all of what they needed. Further, they themself were lacking in diet and a woman's breast milk also lacked proper fortification. As a result, babies ate dirt out of curiousity and those that ate the most mud pies lived due to the abundant minerals that resided there. This resulted in the more curious, dirt eating babies living longer and, voila, modern day dirt eating babies now run rampant amongst us!

Or, maybe, we just have a gross baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd definately stick with the dirt eating evolutionary theory. Perhaps, if you ever go back to school you could do your doctoral thesis on this exact subject. The world needs an answer to this probing question. Give us one and I see a Nobel prize in your future!!

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits