Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Favorite Show Crisis

30 Rock for the past several months has become my favorite show of about 2 shows that I even watch. The other being The Office. The crisis arose one morning on my way to work upon listenting to Alec Baldwin berating his 11 year old daughter on a phone message that I'm sure everyone has heard by now, calling her a "pig" and threatening to "set her ass straight".

The crisis for me manifests as such...I want to watch the show but deeply disapprove of the abusive man's actions in the show. Further, I'm not even sure if I can find him funny anymore anyway. The fact is, if I knew of everyone's closet domestic violence behaviors, I would probably be forced to stop interacting with nearly half the world or more. So should I stop watching 30 Rock as I have or should I simply ignore my morals/values and watch it anyhow simply because it's on and my decision not to watch has very little impact, if any at all? Is this the same as letting someone tell "rabbi jokes" and not saying anything or keeping a friend that uses the "n" word or different because Mr. Baldwin is in tv land?

If feel like C. Thomas Howell in "Soul Man".


suebaby said...

I'm frustrated because I typed a comment and apparently it did not go through. I say, "Goodbye Alec." I loved 30 Rock, loved the 13 times you hosted SNL, loved Glengary Glenross, even loved Prelude to Kiss... but I do not love you anymore, Alec.

He is clearly verbally and emotionally abusive to his daughter and it disgusts me.

Also, the more I think about, the more I think that that big SNL special the other night was just a scam to try to win people over to keep watching 30 Rock. How many times did you see Alec Baldwin on there? A lot... and they were some of his funniest moments... like Canteen Boy and what not.

NBC has a lot on the line here and what better a way to romance people back to watching a show that stars Alec Baldwin, Tina Fey, and Tracy Morgan than show a "Best of the 90's" Tribute.

Don't get me wrong, it was funny. But I am too smart for you, NBC! And you have lost me as a viewer. Alec needs help with his abusive, domestic violence problems (please don't anyone say he just needs anger management, or I will need anger management) and if he had a soul in there, he would focus on that instead of telling people that "everyone loses it sometimes." What an abusive asshole.

Keith said...

Whoaaa! we can't watch NBC either?

Anonymous said...

Oh... um... no. I meant they lost me as a viewer of 30 Rock, and 30 Rock only. Oops.

Anonymous said...

He just needs anger management, opps I'm not suppose to say that. I meant I need anger amnagement and I'm sure no one would disagree with that. You should watch the TV shows as Keith said or we all would just live in a cave , just look at the political scene , why vote then. We can change the world but a little bit of laughter if you still can do that is also great thearpy, so watch it.

sandie said...

Hmm... we just watched the entire first season. It was freakin' hilarious! And I even went into it with a bad attitude, like "Oh this show is so hyped up it probably STINKS!"

But yeah, I was cracking up. I'll continue to watch it.

I think his remarks were pretty foul. But (always a but) should we not ever appreciate Art (ok I'll make that art)-- even low-broke fart-humor art, if the artist has ever done anything foul?

sandie said...

Ahahaha, that was supposed to be "low brow" obviously!

Needlessly to say I would not let Alec Baldwin babysit my kid(s). I would still watch his show.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the show is hilarious, and I agree, it is art and very much appreciated when most of our tv show choices revolve around singing idiots and crime scene investigation shows.

I don't have a problem with the show. I have a problem with Alec. I guess it all comes down to how someone defines " foul". For me, it was more than that. I have seen way too much abuse in my lifetime, either through counseling jobs, friends in abusive relationships, or in my own personal life to be able to support something Alec Baldwin does. I just can't look at him without thinking of him calling his 11 year old a pig. I have no tolerance for fathers that abuse their daughters. That's just me.

It certainly does suck... it was one of the funniest shows I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I just reread my comment. Please don't feel like I'm trying to debate or argue the issue. I'm really not. This is just (obviously) a VERY touchy issue for me.

sandie said...

It's cool :)

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits