The story goes something like this...
Once upon a time there was little boy named Jack who loved to take a bath but hated to get out of the bath. Every day upon getting out of the bath, the rosie cheeked, blonde haired baby boy would break down into tears. One day, while getting out of the bath, Jack discovered the magical Frog Pond Wizard cape which he thought resembled a plain old baby towel but clearly it was a cape. While trying the cape on, mysterious music began to play as if coming from his father's mouth; his father denies he had anything to do with it to this very day. "Frog pond wizard, frog pond wizard", repeated over and over again while the cape was adorned by young Jack.
No longer feeling like Jack, the boy who hated to get out of the bath, the Frog Pond Wizard flew around the house making magic happen around every corner, in every room. The first time he discovered his powers, he turned lights off in the very room his mother resided in. He made his mother laugh until she decided to make attempts at giving him hugs. Then he disappeared around corners, in dirty clothes hampers and simply vanished into thin air while his mother chased after him. The Frog Pond Wizard laughed hysterically while eluding his mother. She laughed too as she thought the young wizard was quite funny and very cute.
Then it was time to lie on the changing table and get ready for bed. The Frog Pond Wizard's strength grew weary at this point as he began crying hysterically. Having used all of his energy creating magic and mayhem around the house and making his mother laugh, the wizard was simply exhausted.
The wizard's guru-to-be, Daddy God Wizard King, offered his young apprentice a magic wand. While the wand resembled a baby brush with a big lady bug on the end of it, the guru insisted it was a magic wand indeed and, alas, it was. The Frog Pond Wizard was given the wand with instructions for a magic spell of how to get into his PJs without crying. The young Frog Pond Wizard waved his wand hastily and said the spell as he heard it, "Mamama, dadadadad, blllleeeehh, daaaat".
Suddenly, Jack found himself ready for bed and in his mother's arms eating his final bottle of the day. Rubbing his eyes, Jack fell asleep only to dream of his magical cape and wand, and his adventures to come as the great Frog Pond Wizard.
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