Monday, June 5, 2006

More Teeth & A Laugh Attack

Jack continues to fuss. Once again the weekend was a challenge as Jack doesn't seem content to do any one thing for more than 15 minutes. In fact, if in the house, he doesn't ever seem content these days it seems. We think he is teething again as he is chewing and drooling on everything. I personally think he's turning into The Fly and is simply wetting his pray with saliva before attempting to devour it. He hasn't mastered the devouring part yet but the saliva part is all but perfected.

This weekend Susie had a cold and Jack decided to start getting up at 4am. This meant I got up at 4am. Yesterday, he ate a bottle at 5:30am, we went to a park at 6:45am, walked about a mile and a half to Target, which was still closed. Then we waited outside only to finally get in by 8am, ate a bottle, shopped for clothes as he is finally growing out of all of the free baby shower clothes we received, walked home in the hot, hot sun all by 9:45am. Then Jack preceded to take a nap, his second already by that point. Then he woke up only to be cranky all day with one more nap somewhere wedged in there, a swim, and a walk around the complex. Just before bedtime, Jack broke into the most hysterical laugh attack I have ever seen. It started when Susie and I were watching him in his walker and talking. I had just cracked open a beer to cope with the end of the day and played beer trumpet by blowing into the bottle. Jack laughed and I did it again. This time he gut laughed hysterically. This went on for about 25 minutes as he continued to laugh non-stop and I blew in the bottle while Susie got it all on video.

Thanks Jack for ending the day on a good note as these weekends have not been very easy lately but a good laugh certainly helps. Note to self: play bottle trumpet all weekend long next weekend.

1 comment:

sandie said...

Marathon weekends... ah! I know the feeling all too well. That's prety funny about the beer bottle. That happened once with Dane (weird hysterical laugh attack). I was sitting on the couch with my legs crossed (lady style) and Dane was on David's lap right next to me. When I would straighten my leg and my sneaker would become eye-level with Dane, he decided it was pretty much the funniest thing he had ever seen. Haha, no video, though! You're lucky you got it!

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits