Wednesday, July 5, 2006

4th of July and Isolation

Yesterday for the 4th, Susie and I struggled to keep Jack corraled. We woke up early with the Sultan who insisted on his favorite meal, The White Stuff a.k.a. baby formula. Then we went to our Village Inn...our new favorite breakfast eatery and possibly the only one.

Aside...there is no Chik-Fil-A in St. Cloud! Susie informed me along time ago she could never live in a town with no Chik-Fil-A...I hope she doesn't leave! There is also no this even possible. WalMart reigns supreme here...a true testament that we are in the country far away from civilization as we know it.

After breakfast, we took Jack to WalMart to buy a pool for the backyard and a sprinkler to sprinkle him. After shopping, we returned home. We got the pool ready, peeled Jack out of his clothes while he screamed because we were stopping him from crawling, and threw him in the pool. He immediately, without any hesitation, attempted to crawl out, successfully, into the grass. He decided that the pool was a piece of crap and the grass was of God! For 30 minutes we attempted to force him to like the pool and we created a baby firework. Finally, Susie put him on the grass, naked. This last about 30 seconds when we noticed spiders and other bugs were probably crawling up the boys haunches. Pool time ended.

The rest of the day consisted of a trip to a park where Jack was supposed to sleep but did not only to fall asleep in the car on the way to get Susie and I some lunch. After waiting, 45 minutes he finally awoke and we were able to get some lunch. Susie likes Sonic. My hope is, it replaces Chik-Fil-A so I don't wake up to an empty bed with a wet note indicating she has left for bigger and better things and bajkarrkakdrdbb forcing me to run out of the house searching St. Cloud in my scivies (reference to The Jerk).

We got back home and crawled around with Jack for a couple of hours while trying to intermittently unpack. Jack went to bed at some point. We continued to unpack until around 9pm. Then we scurried around our house, front to back, up and down the stairs, looking out windows, around corners, shouting in loud whispers to one another, "there's some", "here's some good ones", "look over there", "I think that's the finale", "no, there's more". What were we looking at? Tiny fireworks in the distance, over trees, miles away. Every ten minutes we checked on Jack thinking he might awake thinking we were under North Korean attack. He never did. In fact, by 10:30 we were in bed too.

Happy 4th everyone. Hope to see you all soon at our new house.

Jack's birthday invites to follow. Save the date: Weekend of September 15th...possible birthday party/housewarming get together.

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Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits