Monday, July 3, 2006

A Little Bit Country...and mobile!

We're in! Jack's crawling...big time! Jack decided to master crawling the day we began moving.

As a tumbleweed, I'm somewhat of an expert on moving. This weekends move was by far the hardest move I've ever endured!

Saturday we began loading up. Jack almost immediately decided he hated seeing things leave the house. After a couple of hours of whining progressing into screaming, Susie decided to take him to the mall. This left me to load up, by myself! For some reason, we decided not to ask anyone to help with the move. What the hell were we thinking. Part of me feels guilty for having people help and part of me simply feels like it will be easier to just do it. Well, both parts are assanine (never spelled this before)! It wasn't so bad until around noon when the heat was near 100. Susie stayed at our old place with Jack as I took the first load of stuff to the new place to unload. Still, it didn't seem so bad. However, the next load and then the following two loads on Sunday nearly killed me as I'm still at post-pregnancy weight.

Luckily, I got some help from a very persistent friend, Angie, who basically begged to help. For some strange and fortunate reason she likes moving other people's stuff! Susie and Jack moved to the new place on Sunday morning and Angie and I followed with the rest of our belongings. As Jack continued to be freaked out by the changes, his desire to crawl around a house full of danger and the polar opposite of childproof continued.

It took two days to make the place somewhat baby friendly but it's much better now. Jack seems to have adjusted and is now pulling himself up to stand and gliding side to side. It's seems like he's been crawling for months as he hawls ass at this point. Way to go Jack!

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