Monday, July 24, 2006

Support Our Troops

As many of you know I'm absolutely against the war in Iraq. I attended protests prior to the war beginning and once it started while living in Houston. While I'm against the war I do support our troops. Some people with black and white thinking and blind patriotism cannot understand how this is possible. Well, it's simple. I don't believe in using our troops for senseless, needless wars. Unfortunately now that our government led by George Bush has gotten us into this war, we cannot simply pick up and leave. This means our troops (families and friends) will continue to senselessly be put in harms way for no purpose whatsoever. Iraq will spiral out of control eventually again because the problems which led up to this event still exist. Deeper, systemic societal issues than I care to discuss here. I do believe in supporting our troops however. Therefore I am providing a link to an organization that I have become aware of that I fully trust and support. Please take the time to visit the site as it is one way you can help assist those injured and/or severely wounded that Bush and our government (war mongering republicans and spineless democrats alike) threw into a war that we shouldn't be fighting in the first place...

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