Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Jack's Ear...In The Clear

Susie just called from the Dr. appt. and it appears that the ear infection which included a week of diahrea, restless sleep, and extreme crankiness has finally disappeared. I'm so happy for Jack as this has not been fun. The poor guy has been so miserable with the worst and his very first diaper rash ever due to the antibiotics and the lovely side effects that came with them. He's been doing great though, as of late, crawling everywhere. He loves to throw things and chase them while talking in Japanese. His favorite toy is this motorized hamster in a ball that rolls around the house while he chases it...we call it Hammy and he calls it fun. He gets extremely excited when seeing a baby, especially dark skinned babies (not a racist--thank God). He loves hide and seek and especially when monsters try to attack him in funny monster voices armed with zerberts. He is pulling up to stand with ease now and he even stands alone for a few seconds with no fear of falling. Probably going to walk soon...maybe by his birthday...just a month and a half away now. His favorite food seems to be spaghetti and he also seems to like yogurt but not mixed together. I think he's going to be a dancing, singing, comedian, who likes a long rant, a bit like Dennis Miller but a democrat, oh what that's me...either that or the president of planet Mercury as he is conditioning in the Florida heat and apparently this planet will be gone in the next 50 years if things keep going this way. The longest year ever is coming to an end and I still can't believe he's almost one!!! I think New Years Eve should be 9/14 (Jack's Birth Eve--maybe we could even drop a ball) as this seems more significant these days and I wouldn't mind getting a little toasty.

1 comment:

suebaby said...

Well said, my lovely husband! Jack's first year on the planet (not including time spent in the ute) is coming to a close. I can't believe we really only have six more weeks or so with our "baby". Come September 15, he'll be a toddler! It is a happy day when you know your child is infection free, happy, and doing everything he is supposed to do. I don't know who loves Hammy more... Jack... or me, for keeping Jack so entertained.

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits