Monday, July 17, 2006

Rent-A-Baby After 3PM

I've decided to put Jack up for rent after 3pm 7 days a week. If interested please let me know. You should know however that when he wakes up from his nap he is likely to whine, scream, cry, and possibly even hit, scratch, or bite you. He may even poop on the floor if you make the mistake of letting him crawl around with no diaper for more than 30 seconds.

We actually had a good weekend, half of the time and a horrible weekend half of the time. Saturday morning, Jack's 10 month b-day, we went to the Osceola Flea Market. Jack seemed a bit thrown off and kind of indifferent to the experience. We then decided to drive him to sleep. He slept and we ended up in the middle of nowhere. We found a park and fed the boy whilst watching the flora and fauna bake in the 100 degree encroaching heat. We then head back from the middle of nowhere to almost somewhere (Saint Cloud) where we took Jack to a Mexican restaraunt. Jack flirted with a waitress and ate refried beans, a precursor of things to come (baby+beans=?)

We then went home where Jack pooped on the floor...not until now did I see the Mexican food connection. Then we put him down for his next nap. 30 minutes later he woke up, MAD!!! Mad he stayed, for 3 more hours. After dinner and attempts to quell him, it was time for his bath. I nearly drowned my favorite boy as he suddenly leaned forward in his baby bath chair going face down in the water. I swept him out and he screamed and coughed water as I quickly attained status as the worst parent in the house.

So, let's see, I fed the baby Mexican food leading to over 4 poops per day for 2 days and nearly drowned the boy forever scaring him and possibly resulting in a water phobia...oops!

He went to sleep. Susie went to the grocery store and in the process found out our very young neighbor and mother of two very young little girls died mysteriously of a heart attack. She found out from the woman's husband who was wandering in the yard aimlessly while police investigated. A very somber evening followed where Sue and I contemplated how to help and how lucky we are.

The next day improved but ended with the same fussy baby. My sister visited us for the first time in our new place, while Jack finished an hour and 15 minute nap, a good sign of things to come, we thought. We had a great visit with her as we went to the lakefront beach and took Jack swimming with his friends Hayden and Nicholas. Jack had a great time but apparently got a little out of sorts as he decided to throw a screaming fit in the car. Then he skipped his nap all together in the afternoon. However, he left the fussiness and played and watched his favorite video. He loves Mozart and Tchaikovsky and Yo Yo Ma (musician or perhaps music critic?) Finally, bedtime.

Susie and I laid there. Comatose. Lambasted. What a weekend! Just like every weekend...maybe we suck at this but we are exhausted every day. It seems like other parents like it a great deal more than us? Maybe Jack's more work than the average baby? Who knows?

At least we didn't drown him this weekend. I love the lil bug but he's for rent after 3pm...any takers.

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Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits