Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Burried Alive!!!

That's the only good analogy for what it feels like to move to a new town, with a baby, no cable, and no internet. However, as of yesterday, we tapped into the city internet system virtually bypassing Brighthouse. I won't get into why this is so satisfying to me but let's just say...suck it Brighthouse!

Okay, Susie took Jack to the doc because we found a small lump on the back of his head towards his neck. Basically, it feels like a small cyst and is not duplicated on the other side to touch. Therefore, we were concerned. On top of this, Jack has been quite cranky at times and has run a low temperature on occasion over the past few days. He also has pulled at his ears for the past couple of weeks which we attributed to teething as we have read this is common but thought an ear infection was an outside possibility. Not wanting to be the overreacting/overprotective parents we have the capability of being we decided to wait it out and see if the pulling stopped. Especially since most literature indicates many ear infections must simply go away on their own.

We stuck with this until we found the lump. We scheduled the appointment on Monday for today and have worried about the lump for a couple of days now. Meanwhile, last night Jack threw up a very large volume of formula, black beans, bananas, baby food, and cheerios. Needless to say, this had us on edge confounding our reasons to worry. We think he just ate too much as he ate like a horse yesterday and I think his body decided, "cannot digest...too much food"...hence, throw up! And throw up he just kept coming. No longer the baby puke of yesteryear, it was smelly big boy puke! We gave him a bath, Susie ran to the store for carpet cleaner, and I put him to bed after some water and a little formula. Poor baby!

Well Susie just called from the pediatrician and all is well. At least relatively. Jack has an ear infection and has been given antibiotics. The lump was a swollen lymph node due to the ear infection most likely. Poor little guy has probably had the ear infection for about 3 weeks. The problem is he's always moody...always has been since birth. Therefore, we hardly could tell if he was acting abnormal. It turns out his ear hurts. We both feel bad for taking so long to get him to the doctor. However, this was good news considering, with regard to all of his short but profound medical hx, we were ready for more cysts and tests and systemic medical woes. Alas, a light at the end of one very small tunnel.

Anyway, we are back on e-mail and will be posting on our blogs again. Sorry for being out of touch with many of you as it seems we haven't even had a chance to call lately.


Anonymous said...

I am sooooo happy that you are back!

I'm also glad to hear that Jack just has an ear infection and nothing more than that.

I love and miss you all.

Keith said...

Love you too Dee. Jack says hello...actually, he says cat. Apparently this is his first word outside of mama and dada as he says it everytime Zip passes by. Hope we are able to see you sometime soon. I can't believe it's been over half a year since Jack's seen you. He's a real boy now...I'm excited for him to see you too.

Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits