Friday, July 7, 2006

Grandparents Are Back...but not for long!!!!

My parents got back after one week in Tennessee yesterday. Susie and I got our first reprieve from the boy in over a week. Our other babysitter left for New York and the up and coming sitters are not yet trained. This left us with noone to watch Jack while trying to unpack and move in...not a good combo when your baby masters the crawl.

During our 2 hours of respite, we went to dinner and walked around WalMart searching for electronic necessities. It was a very much needed 2 hours. Today my mother is watching Jack while Susie gets 4 hours. Now that we're closer to my parents, it's much easier to set up brief babysitting breaks.

Our home computer is due to be set up with internet today as we have not been able to access it yet except for at work on occassion. So, if anyone has sent an e-mail, it has not yet been read.

The week after next my parents are headed on a cruise to Russia (I think?)for two weeks. I guess we need to train the new babysitters, Jessica/Martin and Aunt Di...get ready for the most anal retentive babysitting crash course ever where I will say things like, "Don't forget, he can't drive" and "Please don't let him eat poison out of the cabinets". It's funny the things you tell people when they watch your baby even when you know they've raised babies of their own and are perfectly capable.

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Rants, drivel and a few interesting tidbits