I can't believe my kid is actually about to turn two. While I can't remember being two, I do have some vague memories of three. This means we are only one year from Jack having the ability to remember stuff we screw up on as parents. To date, it simply left a mark on his personality but soon he can actually start to remember and blame us for his problems for the rest of his life.
Can't wait to sit on the beach this weekend and celebrate my Boog!
Planned to blog longer but hand still broken. Typing hard. Bye bye.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
"Hello again, hello" (Neil Diamond)
Not that anyone probably checks this thing anymore but here's why I haven't been blogging in 2 months:
June & July
Ran summer camp for 9 boys for 2 months.
Jack got sick.
Road trip to Miami.
Visited Dee in hospital in NC drove up and back with screaming almost 2 year old.
Mother-in-law died (a great, great woman and a tragic, quick ending to her life)...think of her everyday still and I didn't even know her that well. I simply know she made everyone feel loved that she knew including me in such a very short time.
Back to NC for Dee's funeral
Aunt Jane...the favorite of all favorites was diagnosed with stage IV cancer the same day Dee died...she's doing as good as she can and fighting hard.
Visited Aunt Jane in Miami with family in tow.
Had a flat tire with a flat spare.
School started/Homework Club reopened
Susie interviewed and got a new job...stressful and exciting all at the same time.
Jack daycare search begins...stressful and less exciting all at the same time.
Had skin pre-cancer removed from head by cryogenic freezing AKA burning the hell out of my face.
Had 3 seizures in the midle of the night (hence ambulance ride), broke hand (hence typing errors ), hit head (hence concussion and short term memory loss, cut chin and lip (hence 10 stitches already removed and healed after Susie found me in a puddle of blood face down in the bathroom, started seizure meds (hence dizziness and nausea). All of which lead to general fear of bathrooms.
1 cast put on hand to be removed 9/13, 1 lab workup to check med levels, 1 MRI on head (in the tunnel), 1 neuro doc appt., 1 surgeon appt. to remove facial stitches, 2 appts. with primary care later and still 1 EEG, 2 ortho appts., 1 primary care visit, 2 dermotalagist appts., several neuro appts., several blood/lab test to go.
Back to work after 2 week hiatus.
Oh, and Jack's sick...the cherry on the top I suppose.
Not the summer I planned on.
Poor me...actually, I feel quite fortunate to have so many people that helped me/us through all of this. I feel especially lucky to have Susie as my wife. If I created the perfect wife for me I still couldn't come close to her...Thanks Susie and, of course, thanks Dee!
June & July
Ran summer camp for 9 boys for 2 months.
Jack got sick.
Road trip to Miami.
Visited Dee in hospital in NC drove up and back with screaming almost 2 year old.
Mother-in-law died (a great, great woman and a tragic, quick ending to her life)...think of her everyday still and I didn't even know her that well. I simply know she made everyone feel loved that she knew including me in such a very short time.
Back to NC for Dee's funeral
Aunt Jane...the favorite of all favorites was diagnosed with stage IV cancer the same day Dee died...she's doing as good as she can and fighting hard.
Visited Aunt Jane in Miami with family in tow.
Had a flat tire with a flat spare.
School started/Homework Club reopened
Susie interviewed and got a new job...stressful and exciting all at the same time.
Jack daycare search begins...stressful and less exciting all at the same time.
Had skin pre-cancer removed from head by cryogenic freezing AKA burning the hell out of my face.
Had 3 seizures in the midle of the night (hence ambulance ride), broke hand (hence typing errors ), hit head (hence concussion and short term memory loss, cut chin and lip (hence 10 stitches already removed and healed after Susie found me in a puddle of blood face down in the bathroom, started seizure meds (hence dizziness and nausea). All of which lead to general fear of bathrooms.
1 cast put on hand to be removed 9/13, 1 lab workup to check med levels, 1 MRI on head (in the tunnel), 1 neuro doc appt., 1 surgeon appt. to remove facial stitches, 2 appts. with primary care later and still 1 EEG, 2 ortho appts., 1 primary care visit, 2 dermotalagist appts., several neuro appts., several blood/lab test to go.
Back to work after 2 week hiatus.
Oh, and Jack's sick...the cherry on the top I suppose.
Not the summer I planned on.
Poor me...actually, I feel quite fortunate to have so many people that helped me/us through all of this. I feel especially lucky to have Susie as my wife. If I created the perfect wife for me I still couldn't come close to her...Thanks Susie and, of course, thanks Dee!
Monday, June 11, 2007
A week in the life of Jack
Swim lessons with our new teacher (He tolerates them)...he can already find the side when put underwater within reach and float all alone on his back...We're proud of the little waterbug!
We ended up at Disney World this weekend after someone was supposed
to let us in for free to MGM but did not show. As it was Sunday morning and we had already
gotten Jack all excited and were sitting in the parking lot while singing the Mickey Mouse Club song, we decided to pay to go to Magic Kingdom ($140).
5 Hours after arriving at Magic Kingdom
(we weren't leaving after dropping $140 on tickets),
Jack was pooped out...the temperature on
his high tech stroller read 105 degrees!
The Disney bug has struck!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Rocky (The story of MY pregnancy)
This is a survey my wife and her friends are filling out and I felt left out...so I decided to talk about MY FIRST BABY!
1. WAS YOUR FIRST PREGNANCY PLANNED? No... it was immaculate!
2. WERE YOU MARRIED AT THE TIME? Yes...about two months.
3. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS? I was in severe pain.
4. WAS ABORTION AN OPTION FOR YOU? If I could have, I would have.
7. WHO DID YOU TELL FIRST? I told my wife that my side hurt...then I told the doctor who acted as if I was just having a sympathy pregnancy as my wife was pregnant at the same time.
8. DID YOU WANT TO FIND OUT THE SEX? I knew from the start that my baby was assexual.
9. DUE DATE: Noone seemed to know!
10. DID YOU DELIVER EARLY OR LATE? I'm not quite sure when I delivered...I just knew it was gone because the pain went away and the doctor who read my results told me it was gone.
11. DID YOU HAVE MORNING SICKNESS? No, but I did get Vertigo at the same time I was pregnant which made it very difficult for me to stand for about a week but antibiotics finally zapped that as it was due to an infection in my ear. I also had an extremely low temperature...around 95 for a few days and extreme pain in my back.
12. WHAT DID YOU CRAVE? I drank Cranberry juice trying to get rid of the pain but basically I just craved sleep as I lay in the bed shivering a great deal of time.
13. WHO IRRITATED YOU THE MOST? The doctor who acted as if it was simply sympathy for my wife...who was also prego!
17. DID YOU HAVE A BABY SHOWER? No...noone cared to give my baby anything...although we did have 4 for my wife's simultaneous pregnancy.
18. WAS IT A SURPRISE OR DID YOU KNOW? See above comments about noone caring!
19. DID YOU HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS DURING YOUR PREGNANCY? It was awful...I thought I was going to die from the pain as I was shaking throughout...it irritated my kidney but other than that, no.
20.WHERE DID YOU GIVE BIRTH? In my studio apartment I think but it's hard to say for sure!
21. HOW MAY HOURS WERE YOU IN LABOR? It seemed like a week straight!
22.WHO DROVE YOU TO THE HOSPITAL? No hospital, although Susie drove me to the dr. office and outpatient clinic for the MRI
23.WHO WATCHED? Noone watched the birth I hope as it was a very private moment!
24.WAS IT NATURAL OR C-SECTION? It was not a C-section but I don't no that natural is the right word either!
26.HOW MUCH DID YOUR CHILD WEIGH? Not sure as I couldn't find it.
27.DID YOUR CHILD HAVE ANY COMPLICATIONS? Not sure of this one either.
28.WHAT DID YOU NAME HIM/HER? Rocky, because he was a Kidney Stone!!!
29. HOW OLD IS YOUR FIRST BORN TODAY? He is approximately 2 years old next month!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
North Carolina...Paris & Tuscany???
June is here! Homework Club is closed...yippee!
Summer plans include: Running a grass roots summer camp for at-risk kids...yikes...during the month of June. Then, in July, we will take a family road trip to North Carolina where we will rendezvous with Susie's family. On the way up and on the way back we plan to stop in at Amelia Island and enjoy the beach. After that, we've got no plans...yippee!
Best of all though is our plan to go to Paris and Italy in May of next year. There, I said it. Now we have to do it! Sorry Jack but Mommy & Daddy must go! Grandparents beware...for 10 days you will be under the Sultans direct rule! Don't worry Jack...I promise to bring you some chocolate and wine from abroad...oh, you don't drink wine...well, what shall we do with 6 bottles of fine Chianti from Tuscany?
Summer plans include: Running a grass roots summer camp for at-risk kids...yikes...during the month of June. Then, in July, we will take a family road trip to North Carolina where we will rendezvous with Susie's family. On the way up and on the way back we plan to stop in at Amelia Island and enjoy the beach. After that, we've got no plans...yippee!
Best of all though is our plan to go to Paris and Italy in May of next year. There, I said it. Now we have to do it! Sorry Jack but Mommy & Daddy must go! Grandparents beware...for 10 days you will be under the Sultans direct rule! Don't worry Jack...I promise to bring you some chocolate and wine from abroad...oh, you don't drink wine...well, what shall we do with 6 bottles of fine Chianti from Tuscany?
Monday, May 14, 2007
Miami con Jack
We had a great weekend!
Somewhere around Tuesday of last week, Susie and I decided to trek down to Miami with the boy to practice for planned upcoming trips to North Carolina (July) and Tennessee (October). Plus, Jack has progressively become better about the car so we figured we should test him out on a 4 hour road trip.
Little did we know that he not only loves road trips, but he now loves sleeping at other peoples houses as well. Each night, after days full of car driving, hiking in the hammocks, petting zoos, bon fires, meeting with strange and unusual relatives (my family), and only a couple of very short naps, the boy slept like a rock. In the car, Jack was content to sit and look out the window, take short naps, and sing along with the music.
In short, Jack was the perfect angel this weekend. He actually made the drive seem shorter than normal as he was quite entertaining most of the time.
One things for sure, my kid is the best! He was so sweet to all his relatives that he doesn't know very well, dropping, "thank you", "I Love You", and giving hugs to everyone. Despite his being an introvert it was clear that he knew how to be sociable when he has to.
Way to go Jack. I'm proud of you and you made your mother happy too on her second Mother's Day!
Somewhere around Tuesday of last week, Susie and I decided to trek down to Miami with the boy to practice for planned upcoming trips to North Carolina (July) and Tennessee (October). Plus, Jack has progressively become better about the car so we figured we should test him out on a 4 hour road trip.
Little did we know that he not only loves road trips, but he now loves sleeping at other peoples houses as well. Each night, after days full of car driving, hiking in the hammocks, petting zoos, bon fires, meeting with strange and unusual relatives (my family), and only a couple of very short naps, the boy slept like a rock. In the car, Jack was content to sit and look out the window, take short naps, and sing along with the music.
In short, Jack was the perfect angel this weekend. He actually made the drive seem shorter than normal as he was quite entertaining most of the time.
One things for sure, my kid is the best! He was so sweet to all his relatives that he doesn't know very well, dropping, "thank you", "I Love You", and giving hugs to everyone. Despite his being an introvert it was clear that he knew how to be sociable when he has to.
Way to go Jack. I'm proud of you and you made your mother happy too on her second Mother's Day!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Favorite Show Crisis
30 Rock for the past several months has become my favorite show of about 2 shows that I even watch. The other being The Office. The crisis arose one morning on my way to work upon listenting to Alec Baldwin berating his 11 year old daughter on a phone message that I'm sure everyone has heard by now, calling her a "pig" and threatening to "set her ass straight".
The crisis for me manifests as such...I want to watch the show but deeply disapprove of the abusive man's actions in the show. Further, I'm not even sure if I can find him funny anymore anyway. The fact is, if I knew of everyone's closet domestic violence behaviors, I would probably be forced to stop interacting with nearly half the world or more. So should I stop watching 30 Rock as I have or should I simply ignore my morals/values and watch it anyhow simply because it's on and my decision not to watch has very little impact, if any at all? Is this the same as letting someone tell "rabbi jokes" and not saying anything or keeping a friend that uses the "n" word or different because Mr. Baldwin is in tv land?
If feel like C. Thomas Howell in "Soul Man".
The crisis for me manifests as such...I want to watch the show but deeply disapprove of the abusive man's actions in the show. Further, I'm not even sure if I can find him funny anymore anyway. The fact is, if I knew of everyone's closet domestic violence behaviors, I would probably be forced to stop interacting with nearly half the world or more. So should I stop watching 30 Rock as I have or should I simply ignore my morals/values and watch it anyhow simply because it's on and my decision not to watch has very little impact, if any at all? Is this the same as letting someone tell "rabbi jokes" and not saying anything or keeping a friend that uses the "n" word or different because Mr. Baldwin is in tv land?
If feel like C. Thomas Howell in "Soul Man".
Kindergarten Fever
Last night, Susie and I suddenly had a realization...someday in the next 4 years we are going to have to drop our little boy off at SCHOOL! I think we were watching a commercial with a parent doing just that and we both nearly cried. I still remember crying when I went to kg...not just once but every day for at least a month. The thing is, Jack will probably be fine but once again I expect to be crying for a month straight. Maybe we'll just home school him...I'm sure being an only child, home schooled won't lead to any problems...or at least nothing that 20 years of therapy can't cure.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Lil Sasquatch?

Is Jack actually a desendant of Bigfoot? Notice the gait and the placement of the arms. While Jack may not be hairy as of yet, there is no doubt he will be quite hairy by 33 as his father (myself) is growing hair at an alarming rate in places hair should not even grow. I suppose I should be extra nice to our young Sasquatch as he may grow up to be quite strong...as long as he doesn't evolve into the disgustingly, smelly Skunk Ape as they are hunted in these parts http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skunk_Ape
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Tomorrow is the day I throw this big event at my school called Family Fun Night which is anything but "FUN" for me. It involves a great deal of food, games, and a talent show all set up by ME! The next day I will attend the most boring and mundane training mandated by those that fund my job...meanwhile, all I want to do is spend time with my family.
Jack is soooooooooo funny now. Yesterday he told a bunny in our backyard..."hello bunny...bye, bye, have a good day". We just finished making mud puddles in our bushes which Jack stomped in for 30 minutes straight saying, "dirty, dirty, mud, mud". The temper tantrums have definitely calmed down a bit seemingly correlated to learning the word "help". Perhaps the Beatles knew a 19 month old when they wrote that song.
Jack has a cold again, Susie is just about over it, and I think I'm getting it! What the hell...I think we need to live in a bubble.
Aside...Alec Baldwin...you were my comedic idol and now you've ruined it with your crappy fatherdom. No more 30 Rock for me...sucks as this was about the only show we watch except for The Office...
Time to go bathe those ladden in mud!
Jack is soooooooooo funny now. Yesterday he told a bunny in our backyard..."hello bunny...bye, bye, have a good day". We just finished making mud puddles in our bushes which Jack stomped in for 30 minutes straight saying, "dirty, dirty, mud, mud". The temper tantrums have definitely calmed down a bit seemingly correlated to learning the word "help". Perhaps the Beatles knew a 19 month old when they wrote that song.
Jack has a cold again, Susie is just about over it, and I think I'm getting it! What the hell...I think we need to live in a bubble.
Aside...Alec Baldwin...you were my comedic idol and now you've ruined it with your crappy fatherdom. No more 30 Rock for me...sucks as this was about the only show we watch except for The Office...
Time to go bathe those ladden in mud!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
What's New?
The boy is yelling at me as I type this because he wants to "eat" (it's 30 minutes until dinner time), "stairs" (he wants to go back downstairs), "no" (he wants me to stop whatever I'm doing, no matter what it is)...now he needs "help" because he's "stuck" in the between the chair and the wall. Oh well, so much for blogging. Actually that sums up what's going on in these parts pretty well. Temper tantrum beginning and now fully happening!
Since I make concerted efforts to ignore these at all costs, I'll keep writing.
This past weekend Susie and I took Jack to Tavares for the Thomas the train fair/tourist trap extravaganza. Jack loved it...I think! It was a bit overwhelming but he then went home and played with his Thomas the train set he got the day before the rest of the evening.
The next day we took Jack out all day to a Latin Parade that we didn't mean to go to. Jack liked that to...I'm not sure we can say the same. We met our friends Jay and Steff and Jack liked that too. He's a huge show off and clearly prefers the ladies in his life to the men.
Okay...now it's really time to go as Jack has locked himself in his bedroom...must find skeleton key!
Bye Bye!
Since I make concerted efforts to ignore these at all costs, I'll keep writing.
This past weekend Susie and I took Jack to Tavares for the Thomas the train fair/tourist trap extravaganza. Jack loved it...I think! It was a bit overwhelming but he then went home and played with his Thomas the train set he got the day before the rest of the evening.
The next day we took Jack out all day to a Latin Parade that we didn't mean to go to. Jack liked that to...I'm not sure we can say the same. We met our friends Jay and Steff and Jack liked that too. He's a huge show off and clearly prefers the ladies in his life to the men.
Okay...now it's really time to go as Jack has locked himself in his bedroom...must find skeleton key!
Bye Bye!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Some recent pictures from my phone
Welcome To Your 30's Lady Friend and Why The Ped Has Got To Go!
As I mentioned yesterday, Susie turned 30 and now I don't feel like I'm a decade ahead of her. Despite the week from viral hell, we managed to celebrate the big day in very small fashion with an evening of relaxation provided by The Keith & Jack Spa managed by Jack, of course, and courtesy of Bath and Body Works, Godiva chocalates, and French Silk Pie. Not much for a 30th birthday, so a mulligan was called and we will continue the celebration at a later date.
Jack is returning to form. He has learned to play the guitar, with a pick mind you, and even tries to strum with his toes (rock star?). The virus seems to be gone and the ear infection that accompanied it is hopefully going away as well, as today is the final day of antibiotics.
Jack is returning to form. He has learned to play the guitar, with a pick mind you, and even tries to strum with his toes (rock star?). The virus seems to be gone and the ear infection that accompanied it is hopefully going away as well, as today is the final day of antibiotics.
The search for a new pediatrician has officially begun once again. Here is a breakdown of why we are moving on to our 3rd pedicatrician...this is more for venting purposes than thinking anyone in the world really cares to read all of this:
- Our current pediatrician just started to charge a fee for after hours consultation with a nurse (not a big deal really, but still rather crappy considering the money we already give them)
- When Jack fell ill last week, with a temp of 103, the doctors office sent us on a 30 minute trek to get a blood sample done...after the initial sample, they decided to do a full blood workup only to send us back again to the original office. (still not that big of a deal)
- Then, after getting bloodwork done at Quest and capturing a urine sample...with no instructions on how or what to do with it...we were told to schedule a 48hr follow up appointment by our doctor to check on the results of the blood culture. At the 48hr follow up we were told by another doctor (who is part of the group) that they did not yet have the results but instead they would call us later but "not to worry, it's probably just a virus". Noone called ahead to let us know the results of the test were not received, further noone seemed to even remember about the results until we asked for them before leaving(starting to piss me off)
- While waiting to meet for a 3rd appointment in as many days, we were asked by a nurse outside the waiting room why our son was so upset (in the middle of a full on temper tantrum and a 102 temperature), she also asked why we were there...uhhhh you asked us to come back...I don't know why? (Enter Red Raskin)
- After being called into the examining room we waited another 40 minutes...when the doctor finally came in (3rd different doctor in as many days) no apology for the wait was given (okay whatever) and then she --the doctor-- asked "so what are you here for today" (chart in hand, clearly unopened/Jack screaming bloody murder).
- Oh, I almost forgot, an ear infection was found on the second visit when the doctor examined him much more closely than the 1st doctor did...only to conclude that he probably had acquired it since the previous days visit (bullshit!)...the 3rd doctor indicated that the ear infection could have been the cause of the fever all along (I suggest a staff meeting or doctor dinner or something)
- Then, here's the kicker, nearly 72 hours after waiting for blood results on what we were told should be a 48hr test, our assigned pediatrician called to say no results were back yet but she just wanted to check on Jack (never said she wasn't nice)...she added that we would be called later in the day with the results of the blood work...no call followed. At 4:30 Susie called before the office closed and was informed that someone would call before the end of the day after checking with Quest on the results...at 5:00pm Susie was called and informed there were still no results received! Red Raskin called back to chew someone out but the office was closed, alas, closed.
- Next day, I called the office and spoke with a nurse at around 8:30am...the nurse informed me that no results were received yet and that Quest was at fault...I was also informed that the doctors (her superiors) should not have informed me wrongly that I would recieve 48 hr results to begin with and that "sometimes the doctors don't understand how Quest works". (Waaaahhhhttt?...are the doctors at war with the nurses?)
- Later that same day...nearing 2:30 pm on a Friday I decided to press until recieving results as the weekend was approaching fast...once again I was told by a nurse, "sorry, still no results"...I lost it explaining the whole fiasco, refusing to await another call back (which I added never happened as noone ever called back as promised, and requesting a doctor to speak to...I was told that the fault was with Quest but that a doctor was going to call to see what was happening as of that very moment(despite the nurse insisting there was nothing that could be done---then why was the doctor calling now after I insisted on getting to the bottom of this???)...I indicated that I would call but I couldn't apparently due to the lab/doctor kahootz game going on so it was up to the doctor to see that the info was obtained and advocated for appropriately...I lost it some more as the nurse informed me that the office was very busy (I informed her that they should not be so busy that they can't take care of their patients...especially those with a baby and a 104.7 temperature!)...that's when a doctor got on the phone with me, finally.
- A doctor, the one who initially ordered the blood work, then indicated, after trying to explain how the blood tests work and the time tables for bloodwork as if I just didn't understand how labs work (the same one that asked us to come back in 48hrs to get the results in the first place), she suddenly realized that the results had actually been available all along and that whomever I spoke to must of simply missed them! So, 96 hours later...the 48 hr results, which were actually available all along, were given to us!
- I proceeded to tell the doctor, that I was ecstatic about the positive results...and appalled by the handling of my son and his case. I then was forced to tell her to stop talking as she attempted to convince me that all was okay because Jack is okay! I informed her of our decision to seek out a different pediatrician itemizing the poor communication, advocacy, and overall care my son had received on what should have been a simple case...god forbid it was something more serious, which to be honest, we still didn't know at that point and were worried to death.
- Oh yeah, one other thing, when Jack got the antibiotics in his legs noone mentioned the pain that would follow rendering him unable to walk for 4 days...the next day, while receiving the second shot of antibiotics, we were told the medicine was incredibly painful...thanks for the heads up...a**holes!
AHHHHHHHHHHH, I feel better!!!!!!!!!! But we're still finding a new ped.
Monday, April 9, 2007
The Virus? and Susie's Birthday!!!!
A week ago yesterday, Jack came down with what would turn out to be a virus, at least we think. Over the course of 4 days, Jack maintained a temperature at or above 103 reaching as high as 104.7 on at least 3 occassions. I missed 4 days of work as we were on pins and needles, going back and forth to doctors appointments, filling the boog up with antibiotics and motrin, driving around in the car for hours in the middle of the night, and sometimes just staring at the poor little guy laying helplessly. After blood work, two injections of antibiotics (in case the blood work revealed a bacteria, and a ridiculously bad experience with our pediatrician (who we are firing once again), Jack's fever finally went away. So, we think it was a virus? But, as usual, noone knows. The important thing is the boy is eating and drinking and laughing, and sleeping (not through the night but sleeping all the same), and basically returning to normal.
Meanwhile, today is Susie's 30th birthday. I was planning all kinds of fun stuff but in the midst of The Virus everything was put on hold. We did get to go stay in a hotel Saturday while my parents releaved us of our caretaking duties. We danced the night away after a nice dinner at our favorite club, Independent Bar, and got a little messy. Anyway...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my best friend in the whole world! A "due over" birthday is definitely in order!
Meanwhile, today is Susie's 30th birthday. I was planning all kinds of fun stuff but in the midst of The Virus everything was put on hold. We did get to go stay in a hotel Saturday while my parents releaved us of our caretaking duties. We danced the night away after a nice dinner at our favorite club, Independent Bar, and got a little messy. Anyway...HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my best friend in the whole world! A "due over" birthday is definitely in order!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Verbose Child
In all the craziness I don't think I've mentioned what a good talker Jack has become.
He basically can say everything now...a great deal of it he just repeats and doesn't fully know the meaning of...however, he seems to be beyond the typicall 18 month milestone.
These are some of Jack's words that he does know the meaning of and common phrases he actually uses in correct context:
The basic stuff...
bye bye, milk, more, no, no, no, no, no, no, apple, cat, orange, star, moon, night night, mommy, daddy, cat, dog, woof, meow, snake, ssss, turtle, lion, roar, hungry, doctor, sand, yucky, hat, shirt, pants, diaper, garbage, car, truck, house, home, walk, outside, shoe, sock, stinky, grandma, grampy, Sunny, garage, run, fast, bus, airplane
...while writing this I realized this list will go on for forever so I will skip to the harder more impresive stuff like....
Where did it go?
I don't know?
I love you (the newest one)
I'm a model...Susie tought him to do this when he sees people in magazines
Ready, set, go
1, 2, 3
I'm hiding
I see you
helicopter (he can say all 4 syllables---genius)
At his check-up the milestone indicated he should know at least 20 words...I think he knows somewhere near 100 and seems on the brink of full on conversation. Actually, I don't think this has a thing to do with intelligence but an intense desire to communicate as this kid from the beginning has seemed extremely alert and attentive to people and their every move.
Soon he can help me with paperwork and maybe even begin tutoring at The Homework Club...he needs to work off the diapers and monthly college fund payments.
I'm glad you can talk, now get to work Jack!
He basically can say everything now...a great deal of it he just repeats and doesn't fully know the meaning of...however, he seems to be beyond the typicall 18 month milestone.
These are some of Jack's words that he does know the meaning of and common phrases he actually uses in correct context:
The basic stuff...
bye bye, milk, more, no, no, no, no, no, no, apple, cat, orange, star, moon, night night, mommy, daddy, cat, dog, woof, meow, snake, ssss, turtle, lion, roar, hungry, doctor, sand, yucky, hat, shirt, pants, diaper, garbage, car, truck, house, home, walk, outside, shoe, sock, stinky, grandma, grampy, Sunny, garage, run, fast, bus, airplane
...while writing this I realized this list will go on for forever so I will skip to the harder more impresive stuff like....
Where did it go?
I don't know?
I love you (the newest one)
I'm a model...Susie tought him to do this when he sees people in magazines
Ready, set, go
1, 2, 3
I'm hiding
I see you
helicopter (he can say all 4 syllables---genius)
At his check-up the milestone indicated he should know at least 20 words...I think he knows somewhere near 100 and seems on the brink of full on conversation. Actually, I don't think this has a thing to do with intelligence but an intense desire to communicate as this kid from the beginning has seemed extremely alert and attentive to people and their every move.
Soon he can help me with paperwork and maybe even begin tutoring at The Homework Club...he needs to work off the diapers and monthly college fund payments.
I'm glad you can talk, now get to work Jack!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Temper Tantrums and Terrible Twos Commeth?
This weekend, while the family was attempting to fully recover from the Great Stomach Plague of 2007, Jack decided to crank up the temper tantrums about ten fold. During the Plague the tantrums had progressed which Susie and I wrote off to the poor guy feeling sick and, of course, we catered to his every need. However, this weekend, Jack appeared to be fully back to normal aside from the mental breakdowns. Apparently, somewhere during the past week Jack decided that temper tantrums, by this I mean screaming with fists clenched, face reddened from lack of oxygen intake, crying uncontrollably for 10 to 20 minutes straight, and stiffening the body like a board as to prevent any conceivable activity from being accomplished, needed to take place about once per hour and, at least once in the middle of the night at or around 2am.
Today is our wedding anniversary and I must say it is overshadowed by lack of sleep and PTSD symptoms triggered from the colic of 2005. What the hell? Right when you think, life is getting easier, wham!
Today is our wedding anniversary and I must say it is overshadowed by lack of sleep and PTSD symptoms triggered from the colic of 2005. What the hell? Right when you think, life is getting easier, wham!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Stomach Bug
Warning to all...hide in your house if you know anyone who says they've had the stomach flu recently...holy !@#$. It is the worst sickness I've had since I was about 8 years old and I believe my wife would concur on this after our weekend form HELL!
On Friday, I took the day off from work and Susie and I took Jack to the an art festival spending the day outside getting ready for a long weekend filled with springtime fun. On our way home from the festival, we stopped at Toys R Us to let little Jack pick out some beach toys for our Sunday, planned beach day. Problem is, Jack's stomach was not informed. 10 minutes after getting back in the car things got pretty gross with lunch finding it's way all over the car seat, the car, and all three of us.
We headed home...for the next 48hrs. Jack's tummy decided it hated him as it would not hold anything down and the poor guy got dehydrated. Then, Saturday, St. Patrick's Day evening....my stomach decided to join in the fun. A violent evening of toilet hugging ensued while Susie juggled taking care of me and the boy for 24hrs. Then, as I came out of the fog, Susie fell ill on Sunday evening...5 hrs of horrific, stomach wrenching war. Then it was my turn to take care of Susie and the boy who had become quite dehydrated and on the brink of an ER trip as he refused to drink Pedialyte the only recommended treatment besides an IV apparently.
In the 11th hour, Jack decided to drink the stuff. 6 days later, Susie and I are nearly recovered. Little Jack is hydrated but still not quite back to normal as he just started eating real food again yesterday and had his first milk this morning in nearly 4 days. On the brighter side, as a family we probably weigh about 20 lbs lighter and saved some money on groceries.
Happy St. Patty's Day and springtime despite our collective stomachs' objection to honoring these special occasions.
On Friday, I took the day off from work and Susie and I took Jack to the an art festival spending the day outside getting ready for a long weekend filled with springtime fun. On our way home from the festival, we stopped at Toys R Us to let little Jack pick out some beach toys for our Sunday, planned beach day. Problem is, Jack's stomach was not informed. 10 minutes after getting back in the car things got pretty gross with lunch finding it's way all over the car seat, the car, and all three of us.
We headed home...for the next 48hrs. Jack's tummy decided it hated him as it would not hold anything down and the poor guy got dehydrated. Then, Saturday, St. Patrick's Day evening....my stomach decided to join in the fun. A violent evening of toilet hugging ensued while Susie juggled taking care of me and the boy for 24hrs. Then, as I came out of the fog, Susie fell ill on Sunday evening...5 hrs of horrific, stomach wrenching war. Then it was my turn to take care of Susie and the boy who had become quite dehydrated and on the brink of an ER trip as he refused to drink Pedialyte the only recommended treatment besides an IV apparently.
In the 11th hour, Jack decided to drink the stuff. 6 days later, Susie and I are nearly recovered. Little Jack is hydrated but still not quite back to normal as he just started eating real food again yesterday and had his first milk this morning in nearly 4 days. On the brighter side, as a family we probably weigh about 20 lbs lighter and saved some money on groceries.
Happy St. Patty's Day and springtime despite our collective stomachs' objection to honoring these special occasions.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Public Bathroom Behavior (Yes, I've made three blog entries in one day)
What the hell is with men at urinals in public bathrooms? For those of you that aren't privvy to the urinal experience...many men like to lean on the wall or flusher while they relieve. During this leaning event, some of them like to grunt or even let out a low, howl. Ask any honest man and he is sure to tell you that this is true unless of course he is a howler or grunter. Even worse are the sounds coming from the closed stalls...I don't want to get gross (or have I already) but the noises that come out of the stalls are even worse. Who are these men that sound as if they are giving birth at Carrabbas Italian Grill? Do they do that at home or are they marking their territory? I suppose they can't help it or why would they do it. Is it a sign of masculinity learned in I'm A Man Hear Me Grunt, Moan, Wail, and Howl 101 at AARP meetings. Funny thing is, if in there with a friend, family member, or acquaintance, no one ever makes a peep. It's always strangers somewhere between the ages of 40 and 105.
Also, who are the people writing the graffiti? Where are their pens and pencils? How is it that I've never walked in on someone in mid sentence or genital drawing? What happens if you call the phone numbers on the wall? Perhaps you really will have a good time? I know that women like to write weird things on their walls when they have had one or two or twelve too many but men seem to do it completely sober with every intention of expressing anything from sexual frustration to religious conviction to anger release.
Note to self: write a book about the Psychology of Bathroom Behavior and get rich or simply spend entirely too much time in bathrooms...likely the latter
Also, who are the people writing the graffiti? Where are their pens and pencils? How is it that I've never walked in on someone in mid sentence or genital drawing? What happens if you call the phone numbers on the wall? Perhaps you really will have a good time? I know that women like to write weird things on their walls when they have had one or two or twelve too many but men seem to do it completely sober with every intention of expressing anything from sexual frustration to religious conviction to anger release.
Note to self: write a book about the Psychology of Bathroom Behavior and get rich or simply spend entirely too much time in bathrooms...likely the latter
Shout Out To My Mom & Dad
Parents make you crazy! Some parents are over-involved some are under-involved but all seem to make their kids crazy. If not every moment, than at least some amount of the time.
I think I already make little Jack crazy. I fawn over him, kiss him, flip him, chase him, hug him and so on every chance I get. And if I'm not doing it, Susie is. Sometimes I think he would say, "stop, leave me alone for a minute". But, alas, he can't say that yet and therefore, we just keep on going...making him crazy.
I can see making Jack crazy the rest of his life. I already know I won't deal well with any suffering he may have to endure at any age. I probably will always want to help or fix it. I'll probably always want to be on his good side and never be in confrontation with him...especially when he's an adult. I'm sure I'll think, "he's got to get through this on his own" and then I'll rush to help him or come across as "how can I fix this for you" even when I'm trying not to come across that way at all.
My parents are the best...they always want to help me and my family and always have. My dad is the king of tragic reality and is the perfect superhero when it comes to bailing you out of a jam. My mother is the queen of positivity and "look on the brightside". The two of them together make me crazy...probably because they make me feel like they want me to be happy every second of my life which we all know is impossible and probably not even desirable.
The fact is, every interaction with them, every time they watch Jack, pretty much everything they do is directed at making me and my family happy even when it can't possibly achieve this goal. I guess this makes me crazy because sometimes they can't help. One thing is for sure though, I'm incredibly lucky to have parents like them.
The other day, my father came to babysit Jack while we went to Universal Studios for the evening to see the Doobie Brothers. While upstairs, I overheard a conversation he had with a friend on the phone. I heard my father indicate to his friend that he was going to be babysitting for the evening. Apparently the friend expressed his remorse and suggested that my father was somehow being dooped. I heard my father say something to the effect of, "no, I love spending time with my grandson, I want to do it". The exchanges went on for a few minutes as one man tried to convince another that spending time with his grandson was desirable, not a chore.
Thanks dad and mom....I think a great deal of parents and grandparents feel they way you do about their grandson/son but not many show it through their actions consistently the way you two do. You certainly are not under-involved and I know that I won't ever be that with my son because of you. You make me crazy and I hope I make Jack crazy just the same...well maybe not exactly the same.
I think I already make little Jack crazy. I fawn over him, kiss him, flip him, chase him, hug him and so on every chance I get. And if I'm not doing it, Susie is. Sometimes I think he would say, "stop, leave me alone for a minute". But, alas, he can't say that yet and therefore, we just keep on going...making him crazy.
I can see making Jack crazy the rest of his life. I already know I won't deal well with any suffering he may have to endure at any age. I probably will always want to help or fix it. I'll probably always want to be on his good side and never be in confrontation with him...especially when he's an adult. I'm sure I'll think, "he's got to get through this on his own" and then I'll rush to help him or come across as "how can I fix this for you" even when I'm trying not to come across that way at all.
My parents are the best...they always want to help me and my family and always have. My dad is the king of tragic reality and is the perfect superhero when it comes to bailing you out of a jam. My mother is the queen of positivity and "look on the brightside". The two of them together make me crazy...probably because they make me feel like they want me to be happy every second of my life which we all know is impossible and probably not even desirable.
The fact is, every interaction with them, every time they watch Jack, pretty much everything they do is directed at making me and my family happy even when it can't possibly achieve this goal. I guess this makes me crazy because sometimes they can't help. One thing is for sure though, I'm incredibly lucky to have parents like them.
The other day, my father came to babysit Jack while we went to Universal Studios for the evening to see the Doobie Brothers. While upstairs, I overheard a conversation he had with a friend on the phone. I heard my father indicate to his friend that he was going to be babysitting for the evening. Apparently the friend expressed his remorse and suggested that my father was somehow being dooped. I heard my father say something to the effect of, "no, I love spending time with my grandson, I want to do it". The exchanges went on for a few minutes as one man tried to convince another that spending time with his grandson was desirable, not a chore.
Thanks dad and mom....I think a great deal of parents and grandparents feel they way you do about their grandson/son but not many show it through their actions consistently the way you two do. You certainly are not under-involved and I know that I won't ever be that with my son because of you. You make me crazy and I hope I make Jack crazy just the same...well maybe not exactly the same.
Where are they now?
I wonder what percentage of people look up old friends when sitting at a computer with nothing to do? The other day I looked up an ex-girlfriend only to find out she is about to get married. In the past I've looked up other ex's discovering marriages, kids, lucrative jobs. I've also looked up old friends discovering interesting jobs or places they lived. Sometimes I find websites, blogs, or even pictures of them. Somehow I form some pieced together perception of who they are now which is probably way off considering the tiny bits of info I come up with.
How strange that I know these things about people I may not have seen or spoken to in over 10, 15 or sometimes 20 years. I've even looked up kids I went to elementary school with...one is a championship, one-legged, special olympic skier who survived cancer. Somehow I usually assume that if I find absolutely nothing that the person didn't or hasn't done very much to date...doesn't really even make sense. I always feel a bit stalkerish even though I know everyone else is doing it too. In the old days, this kind of detective work would probably lead most to assume you had a problem or maybe even result in an injunction.
I wonder who has looked me up? They probably would have found The Homework Club website and from that seen my picture and also obtained an abbreviated work history. They may have found this blog and then found out all about my family and so forth. Perhaps they found nothing and think I have been up to nothing. For some reason when I write this blog I never think of people that I knew but don't know anymore or people I don't like reading it, I always think of friends, family and maybe a few curious cats who don't know me reading it.
What a strange world will live in...perhaps someday I'll run into some old high school friend who will ask, "How's Jack?" I wonder if I'll be creeped out?
How strange that I know these things about people I may not have seen or spoken to in over 10, 15 or sometimes 20 years. I've even looked up kids I went to elementary school with...one is a championship, one-legged, special olympic skier who survived cancer. Somehow I usually assume that if I find absolutely nothing that the person didn't or hasn't done very much to date...doesn't really even make sense. I always feel a bit stalkerish even though I know everyone else is doing it too. In the old days, this kind of detective work would probably lead most to assume you had a problem or maybe even result in an injunction.
I wonder who has looked me up? They probably would have found The Homework Club website and from that seen my picture and also obtained an abbreviated work history. They may have found this blog and then found out all about my family and so forth. Perhaps they found nothing and think I have been up to nothing. For some reason when I write this blog I never think of people that I knew but don't know anymore or people I don't like reading it, I always think of friends, family and maybe a few curious cats who don't know me reading it.
What a strange world will live in...perhaps someday I'll run into some old high school friend who will ask, "How's Jack?" I wonder if I'll be creeped out?
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Beach Trip
This past Sunday, Susie and I made an impromptu decision to take Jack to the beach. It was only his second time there and really his first real trip as the last one was in November when it was too cold to really get beachy.
Jack loved it. For the first 30 minutes he just walked around us in a circle, smiling with a kitchen spoon in his hand. I love this kid so much I think I'm going to explode sometimes!
The best part about living in Florida, sorry to those of you that have moved away, is the fact that you can go to the beach in the middle of winter. While the water was cold it wasn't too cold as I was able to dive in as were all the British tourists who are the only thing that makes me feel comfortable in my glaring, whiteness. Here are some pics from our beach outing:

Friday, February 23, 2007
Survey--I've never done one of these...nor will I ever again!
Middle Name: Erik
Birth month: December
Hometown: Miami, FL
School attended as a child: Windermere Elementary
Sports played as a high schooler: Copious amounts of soccer
College: University of South Florida and Rollins College
How I met my wife: Ropes course team building exercise on my first day as a counselor on the same staff
First Kiss: ? Whitervall--some girl when I was in 3rd grade wanted to "practice" while playing hide and go seek...whenever my sister was "it" the other girl and I would hide and kiss until my sister found us.
Knew I was in love: when my wife made me feel like 4 years old again
Engaged: Valentine's Day, 2005 at Leu Gardens. I proposed on both knees in front of the lake. I said yes and then we walked around and listened to bad jazz...technically this was my second proposal as the first came on the same day (five minutes after) we found out Jack was on his way...I was scared out of my mind but already knew without a doubt Susie was The One!
Wedding Date: March 26, 2005, in Miami at Ant Krazee's
Honeymoon: weekend in the Keys... layed in a hammock and ate shrimp
Major in College: Psychology
Minors: Anthropology
Degree: MA in Mental Health Counseling, BA in Psychology
Current Work Situation: Mental Health Counselor at an elementary school for at-risk kids and manage a new business while providing tutoring to yet more kids...and dad of a one year old
Siblings: Sunny (my sister who many thought was my twin while growing up)
Kids: JACK aka The Boog
Current Pet Situation: Zip aka Pits (Jack calls her that)
Something you might not know about me: most of these things you don't know for a good reason but one might be that I have seizures on very rare occasions or as Susie refers to them (fits)
My Hobbies: Cooking, gardening, biking (on hiatus), guitar, music
Favorite Color: Green
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Fav. Place to eat: Any French restaurant with Beef Wellington
Favorite Store: Ross
Favorite month of the year: December!
Dream Vacation: Second honeymoon in Paris and Italy with Susie
Greatest Fear: Needles/Dentists
Fav. TV Show(s): 30 Rock
Fav. Music: Radiohead/Tom Waits/Ben Harper/Beethoven/David Bowie
Fav. Actor: Jack Nicholson/Paul Newman
Fav. Movie: Life is Beautiful
Fav. Holiday: Christmas
Favorite attribute in people: Compassion
My Best Attribute: Elbows
Birth month: December
Hometown: Miami, FL
School attended as a child: Windermere Elementary
Sports played as a high schooler: Copious amounts of soccer
College: University of South Florida and Rollins College
How I met my wife: Ropes course team building exercise on my first day as a counselor on the same staff
First Kiss: ? Whitervall--some girl when I was in 3rd grade wanted to "practice" while playing hide and go seek...whenever my sister was "it" the other girl and I would hide and kiss until my sister found us.
Knew I was in love: when my wife made me feel like 4 years old again
Engaged: Valentine's Day, 2005 at Leu Gardens. I proposed on both knees in front of the lake. I said yes and then we walked around and listened to bad jazz...technically this was my second proposal as the first came on the same day (five minutes after) we found out Jack was on his way...I was scared out of my mind but already knew without a doubt Susie was The One!
Wedding Date: March 26, 2005, in Miami at Ant Krazee's
Honeymoon: weekend in the Keys... layed in a hammock and ate shrimp
Major in College: Psychology
Minors: Anthropology
Degree: MA in Mental Health Counseling, BA in Psychology
Current Work Situation: Mental Health Counselor at an elementary school for at-risk kids and manage a new business while providing tutoring to yet more kids...and dad of a one year old
Siblings: Sunny (my sister who many thought was my twin while growing up)
Kids: JACK aka The Boog
Current Pet Situation: Zip aka Pits (Jack calls her that)
Something you might not know about me: most of these things you don't know for a good reason but one might be that I have seizures on very rare occasions or as Susie refers to them (fits)
My Hobbies: Cooking, gardening, biking (on hiatus), guitar, music
Favorite Color: Green
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Fav. Place to eat: Any French restaurant with Beef Wellington
Favorite Store: Ross
Favorite month of the year: December!
Dream Vacation: Second honeymoon in Paris and Italy with Susie
Greatest Fear: Needles/Dentists
Fav. TV Show(s): 30 Rock
Fav. Music: Radiohead/Tom Waits/Ben Harper/Beethoven/David Bowie
Fav. Actor: Jack Nicholson/Paul Newman
Fav. Movie: Life is Beautiful
Fav. Holiday: Christmas
Favorite attribute in people: Compassion
My Best Attribute: Elbows
Thursday, February 22, 2007
FCAT Blues
The lucky Floridian children that I work with (I'm a mental health counselor) are now full on entrenched in FCAT woes. Monday begins the dreaded test upon which all of their ability and merit is based.
For those adults out there that remember taking SAT's or GRE's or other standardized tests...remember the anxiety that went with taking those tests. Now, imagine being 8 or 9 years old and taking a test of even greater significance. Further, imagine knowing that your score on this one test, which you cannot study for, dictates (solely) whether you pass or fail. Next, throw in the major hardships that come with poverty (as most of the kids I serve come from hard working, lower income families).
Many of these kids have parents who have worked their way from extreme poverty and practically nothing to struggling with head barely above water. Many make slightly too much for Medicare/Medicaid benefits but don't have jobs which provide insurance and therefore have chronic health issues that more affluent families would have easily been treated and freed from long ago. Mental health issues run rampant in lower income families to say the least due to the prolonged stress, often passed like from generation to generation.
In the end, most of the kids that take the FCAT do fine. Year after year they prove themselves and move to the next grade. But, for those that can't handle the stress of the test or the other intangible variables that are so pervasive in their lives (like their father dying in Iraq), or those that simply don't have the IQ to catapult them over these obstacles...those kids are retained...sometimes more than once (I work with two kids in the 3rd grade on their 3rd time around--can you say, "drop out". They don't fail...the system fails!
Should there be an FCAT, sure...as a test to measure along with report card grades and to assist in targeting the types of services needed to help a child do better. Not punish them, often for things they CANNOT control...which is more often than not precisely what happens.
For those adults out there that remember taking SAT's or GRE's or other standardized tests...remember the anxiety that went with taking those tests. Now, imagine being 8 or 9 years old and taking a test of even greater significance. Further, imagine knowing that your score on this one test, which you cannot study for, dictates (solely) whether you pass or fail. Next, throw in the major hardships that come with poverty (as most of the kids I serve come from hard working, lower income families).
Many of these kids have parents who have worked their way from extreme poverty and practically nothing to struggling with head barely above water. Many make slightly too much for Medicare/Medicaid benefits but don't have jobs which provide insurance and therefore have chronic health issues that more affluent families would have easily been treated and freed from long ago. Mental health issues run rampant in lower income families to say the least due to the prolonged stress, often passed like from generation to generation.
In the end, most of the kids that take the FCAT do fine. Year after year they prove themselves and move to the next grade. But, for those that can't handle the stress of the test or the other intangible variables that are so pervasive in their lives (like their father dying in Iraq), or those that simply don't have the IQ to catapult them over these obstacles...those kids are retained...sometimes more than once (I work with two kids in the 3rd grade on their 3rd time around--can you say, "drop out". They don't fail...the system fails!
Should there be an FCAT, sure...as a test to measure along with report card grades and to assist in targeting the types of services needed to help a child do better. Not punish them, often for things they CANNOT control...which is more often than not precisely what happens.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Jack updates
This past weekend I finally cut the boy's hair. Now he looks like a man (pictures to follow soon if our computer can get on-line long enough to upload the pics). He also has been eating huge amounts of food and sucking down gallons of milk...I think he's hitting a growth spurt. The boy has truly become a real person with an incredible sense of humor.
Things he does to make us laugh include:
1) Dancing as if in the 80's video for "I Like Big Butts" until we laugh
2) "Fisheye"--this thing where he looks at you out of the corner of one eye while pretending to be turning away...he usually cracks himself up too
3) The other day he brought his mother a present from his diaper...only he wasn't wearing a diaper and what should have gone in the diaper ended up on the floor and then in his hand...he knew it was garbage and mommy needed to help!
4) He practices to take on the great hot dog eating champion of the world, Kobayashi (don't ask why I know this), by stuffing 50 Cheerios in his mouth at once...it's scary and funny at the same time.
5) Spinning...he loves to make himself dizzy and stumble around after a good spin.
The boy is doing great...we are enjoying him more than ever lately. I try to savor the babydom as I know it will be gone sooner than we know it. He already seems like a little boy and no longer a baby.
The Boog is killing me with cuteness his cuteness!
Things he does to make us laugh include:
1) Dancing as if in the 80's video for "I Like Big Butts" until we laugh
2) "Fisheye"--this thing where he looks at you out of the corner of one eye while pretending to be turning away...he usually cracks himself up too
3) The other day he brought his mother a present from his diaper...only he wasn't wearing a diaper and what should have gone in the diaper ended up on the floor and then in his hand...he knew it was garbage and mommy needed to help!
4) He practices to take on the great hot dog eating champion of the world, Kobayashi (don't ask why I know this), by stuffing 50 Cheerios in his mouth at once...it's scary and funny at the same time.
5) Spinning...he loves to make himself dizzy and stumble around after a good spin.
The boy is doing great...we are enjoying him more than ever lately. I try to savor the babydom as I know it will be gone sooner than we know it. He already seems like a little boy and no longer a baby.
The Boog is killing me with cuteness his cuteness!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valentine's Day
I LOVE MY WIFE...as if you all didn't already know that!
Here's why:
1) She's funny
2) She's almost as funny as me
3) She's smart
4) She's much smarter than me
5) She's the kindest person I've ever known...except when it comes to solicitors
6) She's an incredible mother
7) She teaches me to be a better person without even knowing it
8) She's not married to someone else (anymore)
9) She's beautiful (a side perk of this whole love thing)
10) She thinks I'm the greatest...even though she is!
Here's why:
1) She's funny
2) She's almost as funny as me
3) She's smart
4) She's much smarter than me
5) She's the kindest person I've ever known...except when it comes to solicitors
6) She's an incredible mother
7) She teaches me to be a better person without even knowing it
8) She's not married to someone else (anymore)
9) She's beautiful (a side perk of this whole love thing)
10) She thinks I'm the greatest...even though she is!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Almost VD and No WIFI
Our computer at home is not connecting to our WIFI network and therefore Susie and I have been neglecting our blogs for the past few weeks due to lack of access to the internet. I can only access mine at work.
Jack is doing great but seems to be teething again as he spends a good part of the day with his entire fist in his mouth. Susie and I are busy planning our covert operations for Valentines Day...at this point they are so covert, I don't even know what I'm doing! Meanwhile, Judah Barry is still chirping or, more accurately, screaming in the middle of the night...remember, the bird in the swamp. The business is moving along in the evenings and, at least for me, has become a normal routine now. It's still hard to not see Jack at all from early Monday morning until Tuesday afternoon and the same thing on Thursday until Friday.
All in all, life is feeling good lately. Getting that last Jack-head-check out of the way is a huge relief and it's nice to know we don't have to do it again for a whole year.

This picture is from January but it is my new favorite so I thought I'd share it with all.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
The Monster Hibernates
A very long update on the medical issue that prompted me to start writing this blog in the first place.
It has been 6 months since we last had a radiological imaging done of Jack's head. Jack had just turned one at the time of the last check up. You may recall that our neurologist (Trumble) indicated a follow up schedule doubling the time span after each check as long as the cyst does not change or cause developmental delays or symptoms in little Jack.
Anyone who has a baby knows that 6 months in a baby's life is like an eternity...the changes, developmentally and physically are profound. Also the variation in these changes is so wide across babies that there is such a huge window for what is normal and what is not. It is almost impossible to tell if a baby is "developmentally delayed" or "just hasn't hatched yet" as a woman in the neurologist's waiting room indicated about her younger son while awaiting to be seen with her 6 year old son who we gathered was recently diagnosed with cancer and had just started treatments. For this reason or reasons, the past month has had me quite anxious about the follow up appointment with Trumble and the preceding CT scan.
The MRI was scheduled for Friday morning at 7:30am. We live about 45 minutes from the children's hospital so it was a trek. Susie and I took seperate cars so I could go to work after the procedure. Like two pros, as this was probably our 4th or 5th time going through this, we sort of just proceeded as if things were normal. However, I couldn't help but notice my own inability to cope with the world as a whole in the 2 weeks leading up to the appointment. Every little nuance in Jack's behavior over the past 6 months ran through my mind as I ruminated more frequently up until Friday morning. The fact that Jack held his left arm up while walking and did not swing it as he does his right hand, the increased frequency of vomiting this month, the middle of the night awakenings where he clearly appeared to be in pain (always attributable to gas but never fully), or the very noticeable temper (always attributable to inheritance from his father but nevery fully), or the lack of use of sippy cups still drinking only from bottles (always attributable to a very strong willed baby making a choice but never fully)...all of these and many more behaviors which can't don't mean a damn thing suddenly make you wonder...what if it's the cyst?
Driving to the MRI appointment at 6:30am in seperate cars we realized we are driving in incredibly dangerous weather. Susie calls me on my cell phone and we share information about closed roads and tornadoes heard to be moving through the area already wreaking havoc just north of Orlando. I keep thinking, maybe we aren't meant to get this MRI today after all. We finally arrive after a very scary ride.
In the financial receiving room of the hospital the local news in the waiting room is showing damage and storm warnings as the severity has just been realized and is now a national story. Our focus is again on Jack though and the MRI. We check in and our escort leads us to radiology in the newly renovated hospital which we contributed over the past 2 years at least enough to purchase the flat screen t.v. hanging on the wall playing the movie Cars along with several of the swanky waiting room chairs.
The waiting starts but we are used to it expect it now. Susie and I hold hands a couple of times fleetingly while playing with Jack and hiding our fear the best we know how. Jack laughs and plays not knowing to do any different. This is the best part of this whole thing and we always do our best to keep him from knowing it is different or scary or terrifying for us. After about 45 minutes of waiting, a nurse or tech or someone calls our name. We of course prepare to round up the boy and get this thing over with until we are informed that the MRI machine is down, "due to the storm". Susie and I just stare at each other as if to say, "of course". The nurse/tech offers a solution, which I was surprised by as I've become used to being told, "sorry, there's nothing we can do" by just about everyone in the world of healthcare. The solution was that he would call our neurologist and get the script changed to an order for a CT scan rather than an MRI. The tech bragged that he had Trumble's cell phone number. I think to myself but not out loud, good luck getting ahold of a highly sought after neurologist on a Friday, early in the morning, during a flurry of tornadoes. Within minutes we are informed that the procedure has been approved.
Then the real work begins...I have to try and get this change approved by the insurance company which must preauthorize all procedures (thank you HMO's and US healthcare debacle). Nearly two more hours later we finally get approval to go ahead with the CT scan.
Meanwhile, Susie has gotten to know a man waiting alone with his 5 year old son who appears to have Down's Syndrome. The man has basically talked to Susie, and I have overheard while on the phone waiting for the insurance gods to grant us approval to have our son get pictures of his head, that the little boy also has been diagnosed with some very serious spinal cord problems, and possibly cancer. After the little boy recieves his MRI, that has also been delayed/cancelled due to the machine going down, he is to go and have a spinal tap and see a specialist all of which is getting screwed up by the weather. The waiting room in the radiology department of a children's hospital is probably the most depressing place I can imaging being for 3 hours. The majority of the kids have experienced some sort of trauma and many have been diagnosed with noticable developmental disorders, cancers, and so on. Babies to teenagers and the parents that cope with it all collectively waiting to get help.
15 minutes after approval, I headed into the CT scanner, dawned a radiation protecting jacket and held Jack while he was exposed to the radiation, strapped to a table while magnets swirled around his little head. He cried, stopping only to lear at the source of very loud noises only to cry louder several times. Then, the procedure was over and I wisked Jack away, litterally. I like to pretend I'm saving him so he doesn't think I caused the fearful event...it helps me feel better for a minute at least. Then, as we returned to the waiting room winding down hallways, I repeated to Jack how great he did and how proud I was of him, adding that we were searching for mommy...he laughed, very obviously looking around for his mother. Then, he saw her. All was better again. We left happy but not wanting to appear too happy as several children and parents awaited with their myriad of serious problems still looming in that waiting room.
The next 2 days were extremely long...Susie and I snipped at each other...incredibly sensitive, I realized I just wanted to not talk and just get to the appointment with the neurologist to review the results of the CT scan, but life with a baby does not allow that, and neither does loving your wife. Saturday is a blur. Sunday we took Jack to Universal Studios where he played in Dr. Seuss Land and walked about 5 miles. Then, we went home, put Jack to bed, and watched the Super Bowl. We went to bed and I slept about 4 hours, waking in the middle of the night ruminating about the bad news that we could hear about the next morning. I suddenly realized with full force that I needed to prepare for the worst or I would truly be shocked this time as I had come to expect good news. I began preparing to hear the worst and react in the best way possible for Susie and Jack. I was as ready as I could be.
The next moring we drove to Trumble's office. We waited with the boy diagnosed with cancer (we surmized after talking with the family for about 15 minutes). Susie spoke with the little boys father as he asked if we had been there before, his eyes filled with tears ready to burst as if stored up for months. He wanted to know if we liked the doctor. I suddenly remembered feeling somewhat as he did several months ago when we first learned of Jack's condition which at that time was still without a proffessional prognosis. After a few interchanges we realized that their son was probably beginning cancer treatments, something that put our situation, as crappy as it is, into perspective.
Finally we were called back, waited for Trumble for about 30 minutes, and finally he walked in. He greeted us by saying something like, "I'm so sorry about the long wait....how long was it, how long were you waiting?". Both of us thought he met in his office but then we realized he meant at the hospital on Friday when the MRI machine was done and we had to work out the insurance mess. He actually cared enough to remember. This is a man with who knows how many patients of which a significant number are dealing with issues much more grandiose and traumatic than Jack's. The man is my hero. Especially when he proceeded to say, "everything looks the same...everything is without change...in my eyes we are just doing a well visit".
The man just finished meeting with us saying we would follow up in one year, but in his eyes Jack is in the clear and likely to just have a brain that formed different with a fluid filled sac.
I guess in the grand scheme of things...we are extremely lucky!
Thanks Dr. Trumble...not for what you do for us...but what you do for all of those kids and parents out their who didn't hear what we heard from you on Monday. You are truly amazing!
It has been 6 months since we last had a radiological imaging done of Jack's head. Jack had just turned one at the time of the last check up. You may recall that our neurologist (Trumble) indicated a follow up schedule doubling the time span after each check as long as the cyst does not change or cause developmental delays or symptoms in little Jack.
Anyone who has a baby knows that 6 months in a baby's life is like an eternity...the changes, developmentally and physically are profound. Also the variation in these changes is so wide across babies that there is such a huge window for what is normal and what is not. It is almost impossible to tell if a baby is "developmentally delayed" or "just hasn't hatched yet" as a woman in the neurologist's waiting room indicated about her younger son while awaiting to be seen with her 6 year old son who we gathered was recently diagnosed with cancer and had just started treatments. For this reason or reasons, the past month has had me quite anxious about the follow up appointment with Trumble and the preceding CT scan.
The MRI was scheduled for Friday morning at 7:30am. We live about 45 minutes from the children's hospital so it was a trek. Susie and I took seperate cars so I could go to work after the procedure. Like two pros, as this was probably our 4th or 5th time going through this, we sort of just proceeded as if things were normal. However, I couldn't help but notice my own inability to cope with the world as a whole in the 2 weeks leading up to the appointment. Every little nuance in Jack's behavior over the past 6 months ran through my mind as I ruminated more frequently up until Friday morning. The fact that Jack held his left arm up while walking and did not swing it as he does his right hand, the increased frequency of vomiting this month, the middle of the night awakenings where he clearly appeared to be in pain (always attributable to gas but never fully), or the very noticeable temper (always attributable to inheritance from his father but nevery fully), or the lack of use of sippy cups still drinking only from bottles (always attributable to a very strong willed baby making a choice but never fully)...all of these and many more behaviors which can't don't mean a damn thing suddenly make you wonder...what if it's the cyst?
Driving to the MRI appointment at 6:30am in seperate cars we realized we are driving in incredibly dangerous weather. Susie calls me on my cell phone and we share information about closed roads and tornadoes heard to be moving through the area already wreaking havoc just north of Orlando. I keep thinking, maybe we aren't meant to get this MRI today after all. We finally arrive after a very scary ride.
In the financial receiving room of the hospital the local news in the waiting room is showing damage and storm warnings as the severity has just been realized and is now a national story. Our focus is again on Jack though and the MRI. We check in and our escort leads us to radiology in the newly renovated hospital which we contributed over the past 2 years at least enough to purchase the flat screen t.v. hanging on the wall playing the movie Cars along with several of the swanky waiting room chairs.
The waiting starts but we are used to it expect it now. Susie and I hold hands a couple of times fleetingly while playing with Jack and hiding our fear the best we know how. Jack laughs and plays not knowing to do any different. This is the best part of this whole thing and we always do our best to keep him from knowing it is different or scary or terrifying for us. After about 45 minutes of waiting, a nurse or tech or someone calls our name. We of course prepare to round up the boy and get this thing over with until we are informed that the MRI machine is down, "due to the storm". Susie and I just stare at each other as if to say, "of course". The nurse/tech offers a solution, which I was surprised by as I've become used to being told, "sorry, there's nothing we can do" by just about everyone in the world of healthcare. The solution was that he would call our neurologist and get the script changed to an order for a CT scan rather than an MRI. The tech bragged that he had Trumble's cell phone number. I think to myself but not out loud, good luck getting ahold of a highly sought after neurologist on a Friday, early in the morning, during a flurry of tornadoes. Within minutes we are informed that the procedure has been approved.
Then the real work begins...I have to try and get this change approved by the insurance company which must preauthorize all procedures (thank you HMO's and US healthcare debacle). Nearly two more hours later we finally get approval to go ahead with the CT scan.
Meanwhile, Susie has gotten to know a man waiting alone with his 5 year old son who appears to have Down's Syndrome. The man has basically talked to Susie, and I have overheard while on the phone waiting for the insurance gods to grant us approval to have our son get pictures of his head, that the little boy also has been diagnosed with some very serious spinal cord problems, and possibly cancer. After the little boy recieves his MRI, that has also been delayed/cancelled due to the machine going down, he is to go and have a spinal tap and see a specialist all of which is getting screwed up by the weather. The waiting room in the radiology department of a children's hospital is probably the most depressing place I can imaging being for 3 hours. The majority of the kids have experienced some sort of trauma and many have been diagnosed with noticable developmental disorders, cancers, and so on. Babies to teenagers and the parents that cope with it all collectively waiting to get help.
15 minutes after approval, I headed into the CT scanner, dawned a radiation protecting jacket and held Jack while he was exposed to the radiation, strapped to a table while magnets swirled around his little head. He cried, stopping only to lear at the source of very loud noises only to cry louder several times. Then, the procedure was over and I wisked Jack away, litterally. I like to pretend I'm saving him so he doesn't think I caused the fearful event...it helps me feel better for a minute at least. Then, as we returned to the waiting room winding down hallways, I repeated to Jack how great he did and how proud I was of him, adding that we were searching for mommy...he laughed, very obviously looking around for his mother. Then, he saw her. All was better again. We left happy but not wanting to appear too happy as several children and parents awaited with their myriad of serious problems still looming in that waiting room.
The next 2 days were extremely long...Susie and I snipped at each other...incredibly sensitive, I realized I just wanted to not talk and just get to the appointment with the neurologist to review the results of the CT scan, but life with a baby does not allow that, and neither does loving your wife. Saturday is a blur. Sunday we took Jack to Universal Studios where he played in Dr. Seuss Land and walked about 5 miles. Then, we went home, put Jack to bed, and watched the Super Bowl. We went to bed and I slept about 4 hours, waking in the middle of the night ruminating about the bad news that we could hear about the next morning. I suddenly realized with full force that I needed to prepare for the worst or I would truly be shocked this time as I had come to expect good news. I began preparing to hear the worst and react in the best way possible for Susie and Jack. I was as ready as I could be.
The next moring we drove to Trumble's office. We waited with the boy diagnosed with cancer (we surmized after talking with the family for about 15 minutes). Susie spoke with the little boys father as he asked if we had been there before, his eyes filled with tears ready to burst as if stored up for months. He wanted to know if we liked the doctor. I suddenly remembered feeling somewhat as he did several months ago when we first learned of Jack's condition which at that time was still without a proffessional prognosis. After a few interchanges we realized that their son was probably beginning cancer treatments, something that put our situation, as crappy as it is, into perspective.
Finally we were called back, waited for Trumble for about 30 minutes, and finally he walked in. He greeted us by saying something like, "I'm so sorry about the long wait....how long was it, how long were you waiting?". Both of us thought he met in his office but then we realized he meant at the hospital on Friday when the MRI machine was done and we had to work out the insurance mess. He actually cared enough to remember. This is a man with who knows how many patients of which a significant number are dealing with issues much more grandiose and traumatic than Jack's. The man is my hero. Especially when he proceeded to say, "everything looks the same...everything is without change...in my eyes we are just doing a well visit".
The man just finished meeting with us saying we would follow up in one year, but in his eyes Jack is in the clear and likely to just have a brain that formed different with a fluid filled sac.
I guess in the grand scheme of things...we are extremely lucky!
Thanks Dr. Trumble...not for what you do for us...but what you do for all of those kids and parents out their who didn't hear what we heard from you on Monday. You are truly amazing!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Grizzly Adams...and other childhood role models

Yes, it's true. I wanted to be like Grizzly Adams when I was a kid.
I remembered this suddenly on Sunday night. I said to Susie, "Remember Grizzly Adams?" To which she replied, "Huh, what, no...who's that?" The generational gap between us engulfed me. I gasped and launched into my vague memories of the man, his beard, and his bear-friend. Funniest part was that I also remembered thinking as a kid, "I can't wait until I live like Grizzly Adams; in the woods, alone with nature, helping people"....in the woods? Whatever, I wanted to be him, no matter how strange this may have been considering I was probably 5 years old. Besides he wasn't totally alone, as I suddenly remembered on Sunday just before going to bed. I shouted to Susie, a good while after the original conversation, "oh yeah, and Grizzly Adams mentor was Uncle Jessie (Denver Pyle) from Dukes of Hazzard who wandered through the woods often giving help and advice to Grizzly when struggling with moral dilemmas!" Susie was now scared or maybe a bit concerned for me.
I was happy to remember my role model...I think I liked him at such a young age because I loved nature but I also loved that he was a helper. He always attempted to help those in need (and there were a great deal more people than one would think needing help in those woods). I also thought, until about 2 years ago (embarrased to admit) that I would do every job, travel to every corner of the world/universe, and experience every lifestyle (criminal to holy man). I would watch Grizzly Adams and think, "I can't wait until I live in those woods"...then I would watch Star Wars and think, "I can't wait until I learn the Jedi secrets from Yoda", and so on.
I still wonder, dream, hope and expect to experience some of these things. But I certainly have lost the feeling of, "I can do anything and will do everything". I wish this wasn't true but perhaps it's part of becoming an adult or maybe it's just unfortunate or maybe it's just temporary.
I know that I hope Jack always feels like he can do anything. Perhaps, I'll just have to get back to feeling the same in order to make sure of that.
I was happy to remember my role model...I think I liked him at such a young age because I loved nature but I also loved that he was a helper. He always attempted to help those in need (and there were a great deal more people than one would think needing help in those woods). I also thought, until about 2 years ago (embarrased to admit) that I would do every job, travel to every corner of the world/universe, and experience every lifestyle (criminal to holy man). I would watch Grizzly Adams and think, "I can't wait until I live in those woods"...then I would watch Star Wars and think, "I can't wait until I learn the Jedi secrets from Yoda", and so on.
I still wonder, dream, hope and expect to experience some of these things. But I certainly have lost the feeling of, "I can do anything and will do everything". I wish this wasn't true but perhaps it's part of becoming an adult or maybe it's just unfortunate or maybe it's just temporary.
I know that I hope Jack always feels like he can do anything. Perhaps, I'll just have to get back to feeling the same in order to make sure of that.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Jeez Zhoo!
This is what I say now instead of using profanity as Jack is repeating every word we say. That includes the word Jeez Zhoo. Why would I want to use profanity you ask...the boy whined from Friday evening until this morning when I left for work...all weekend! No cold symptoms are present so it was hard to empathize with the little guy. He whined at the park, in his toy car, in his high-chair, in our cars, and pretty much everywhere else we took him. Perhaps he's teething again but it's impossible to know because his mouth is already filled with teeth...maybe he's getting his wisdom teeth early!
On a cute and more pleasant note...Jack has begun using expressions like..."I don't know" when you ask him where his truck went...or, "Oh, cooooool!" which he said when I hung a big colorful flag in his playroom last night.
Maybe the whining means he's ready for more independence and he's sick of being treated like a baby? After all, he has learned the Oliver North defense..."I don't know".
All I know is Jeez Zhoo, I'm tired!
On a cute and more pleasant note...Jack has begun using expressions like..."I don't know" when you ask him where his truck went...or, "Oh, cooooool!" which he said when I hung a big colorful flag in his playroom last night.
Maybe the whining means he's ready for more independence and he's sick of being treated like a baby? After all, he has learned the Oliver North defense..."I don't know".
All I know is Jeez Zhoo, I'm tired!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Election 2008
Will we have a new woman president or maybe our first president with African descent? Will it be neither? All I know is the future looks bright in contrast to the dark ages known to most as the Bush years.
It's nice to hear issues come to the forefront seemingly of why people want to vote for one person or another rather than personalities as it seems is happening of late.
I know that this next year will be filled with extra doses of racial epithets and bigotry. On my way to work, a local radio talk show host was trying to link Obama to Muslims and "radical Islam"...I suppose having a name like Obama (sounds a great deal like Osama) is not exactly an advantage in this day and age. I have a feeling our country will be engaged in some very heated exchanges regarding "political correctness" surrounding race and gender over the next year. Perhaps this dialogue will be a good thing but I have a feeling it will ultimately lead to more division in a country which is already becoming more and more divided.
I'd be surprised if the Republican party with members like Trent Lott, can restrain themselves for a whole year without committing political suicide as their true feelings about race and women resurface.
It's nice to hear issues come to the forefront seemingly of why people want to vote for one person or another rather than personalities as it seems is happening of late.
I know that this next year will be filled with extra doses of racial epithets and bigotry. On my way to work, a local radio talk show host was trying to link Obama to Muslims and "radical Islam"...I suppose having a name like Obama (sounds a great deal like Osama) is not exactly an advantage in this day and age. I have a feeling our country will be engaged in some very heated exchanges regarding "political correctness" surrounding race and gender over the next year. Perhaps this dialogue will be a good thing but I have a feeling it will ultimately lead to more division in a country which is already becoming more and more divided.
I'd be surprised if the Republican party with members like Trent Lott, can restrain themselves for a whole year without committing political suicide as their true feelings about race and women resurface.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Kids, Death, & Women's Rights
Yesterday one of my little ones at the school I work at had a parent die tragically in a motorcycle accident. The 9 year old boy, full of energy, always talking about family gatherings and video games, learned his father died before school started on a Monday morning.
Today, I spent the first hour at the school processing this with 3rd graders. Some of them wanted to talk about their loved one who died tragically. Some of them wanted to share about how they would help. Some of them didn't want to talk about it at all. One said he wanted to give the grief stricken boy a card that read, "I'm so sorry and we love you" with a lolipop taped to it. Once again my life's difficulties were abruptly put into perspective.
Also, yesterday, at The Homework Club, a 13 year old boy indicated that he wondered why women had never been president and solicited my opinion. This launched me into my not so well polished history lesson of how women have been oppressed for thousands of years and only recently have they been able to fight through those oppressive systems to be in positions of power. I went on to say that I thought we would have a woman president within my lifetime and maybe much sooner than one might think (Hillary Clinton?).
All of this made me think about the world Jack is headed into and the questions and issues Susie and I will be helping him prepare for...or prepare to not be prepared for.
Today, I spent the first hour at the school processing this with 3rd graders. Some of them wanted to talk about their loved one who died tragically. Some of them wanted to share about how they would help. Some of them didn't want to talk about it at all. One said he wanted to give the grief stricken boy a card that read, "I'm so sorry and we love you" with a lolipop taped to it. Once again my life's difficulties were abruptly put into perspective.
Also, yesterday, at The Homework Club, a 13 year old boy indicated that he wondered why women had never been president and solicited my opinion. This launched me into my not so well polished history lesson of how women have been oppressed for thousands of years and only recently have they been able to fight through those oppressive systems to be in positions of power. I went on to say that I thought we would have a woman president within my lifetime and maybe much sooner than one might think (Hillary Clinton?).
All of this made me think about the world Jack is headed into and the questions and issues Susie and I will be helping him prepare for...or prepare to not be prepared for.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Judah Barry
The bird is back. Well, he/she never went away. For the past 3 nights, seemingly all night, the bird a.k.a. Judah Barry (no explanation as to why we named it this) has been terrorizing us. Last night, JB chirped all night but it wasn't until around 4:30am when my wife was found cleaning cat puke off the carpet that I woke up. Only to stay awake for the rest of the day. Jack awoke at 5:30am and Susie got up with him. She had already been awake since, I think 3 days ago. I layed there, pillow over head, devising a name for The Bird...for no reason Judah Barry popped into my head and there you have it.
How can we turn this wheel of unrest, this cycle of bird hatred, this sleep deprived fog into something positive? How can we stop the madness? Will life ever be the same again? Will I hate birds for the rest of my life?
Answers: We can't, we're doomed, no, and yes!
How can we turn this wheel of unrest, this cycle of bird hatred, this sleep deprived fog into something positive? How can we stop the madness? Will life ever be the same again? Will I hate birds for the rest of my life?
Answers: We can't, we're doomed, no, and yes!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Screaming Birds and Upchucking
If you have been reading my wife's post you know...she was sick all weekend...Jack wore me out from Friday until Monday.
Monday night, a bird decided to die, we thought, keeping us up from about 3am until 6:30 when we get up to start our day.
Tuesday night...after my sister visited with Jack during "get ready for bed time" and great fun was had by all, Jack yacked up all his dinner (this meant he stayed up an extra 1 1/2 hours)...why do babies eat dirt and why do babies puke for no reason?
Fast forward to the middle of the night last night....the bird we thought had died, which I swore I would kill violently, returned. I decided to go outside at about 5am and track it down. Weapon (knife sharpener for beat down) and flashlight in hand, I quickly realized the bird was far, far away, not dying, and in the middle of a swamp behind our house...further, maybe not even a bird!
Jack woke up at 6:30...smiling and saying bye bye to me...as if to say hurry daddy or you'll be late. Susie muttered, "alduad"...which I think was "I love you" and I told her the floor was slick and to be careful due to being cleaned of puke late last night....she then stared at me and both of us seemed confused.
Question: What do we do about the mysterious vermen living in the swamp keeping us up all night and rendering us incapable of meaningful communication whereas only our baby seems to know how to speak???
Monday night, a bird decided to die, we thought, keeping us up from about 3am until 6:30 when we get up to start our day.
Tuesday night...after my sister visited with Jack during "get ready for bed time" and great fun was had by all, Jack yacked up all his dinner (this meant he stayed up an extra 1 1/2 hours)...why do babies eat dirt and why do babies puke for no reason?
Fast forward to the middle of the night last night....the bird we thought had died, which I swore I would kill violently, returned. I decided to go outside at about 5am and track it down. Weapon (knife sharpener for beat down) and flashlight in hand, I quickly realized the bird was far, far away, not dying, and in the middle of a swamp behind our house...further, maybe not even a bird!
Jack woke up at 6:30...smiling and saying bye bye to me...as if to say hurry daddy or you'll be late. Susie muttered, "alduad"...which I think was "I love you" and I told her the floor was slick and to be careful due to being cleaned of puke late last night....she then stared at me and both of us seemed confused.
Question: What do we do about the mysterious vermen living in the swamp keeping us up all night and rendering us incapable of meaningful communication whereas only our baby seems to know how to speak???
Sunday, January 14, 2007
New Year Resolutions cometh late
Here are a few of my resolutions for this year:
Be less reactive (especially to comments from family about how "Maybe Jack would be better off if...")
Rid myself of my hamster nest tendencies (the pile of dirty clothes I like to keep next to my bed)
Drink less Coke (one Big Gulp is enough for one day, every day, two is a bit excessive)
Read more books (I haven't read since Jack was born)
Watch less tv (I haven't read since Jack was born)
Keep my toe nails cut so Jack is not afraid to go near my feet for fear of being slashed.
Have less socks with holes in them (see-keep toe nails cut above)
Be less reactive (especially to comments from family about how "Maybe Jack would be better off if...")
Rid myself of my hamster nest tendencies (the pile of dirty clothes I like to keep next to my bed)
Drink less Coke (one Big Gulp is enough for one day, every day, two is a bit excessive)
Read more books (I haven't read since Jack was born)
Watch less tv (I haven't read since Jack was born)
Keep my toe nails cut so Jack is not afraid to go near my feet for fear of being slashed.
Have less socks with holes in them (see-keep toe nails cut above)
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Why do kids eat dirt? Over and over again!
I know that they are curious...but why would a human child continue to put large amounts of very dark, mineral rich dirt into their mouth even after trying it several times before? The same human child that will not eat delicious foods even when covered in sugar, butter, or salt!
Here is my theory...somewhere down the evolutionary line, our sapien friends did not know about nutrition and therefore did not necessarily keep their offspring filled with all of what they needed. Further, they themself were lacking in diet and a woman's breast milk also lacked proper fortification. As a result, babies ate dirt out of curiousity and those that ate the most mud pies lived due to the abundant minerals that resided there. This resulted in the more curious, dirt eating babies living longer and, voila, modern day dirt eating babies now run rampant amongst us!
Or, maybe, we just have a gross baby!
Here is my theory...somewhere down the evolutionary line, our sapien friends did not know about nutrition and therefore did not necessarily keep their offspring filled with all of what they needed. Further, they themself were lacking in diet and a woman's breast milk also lacked proper fortification. As a result, babies ate dirt out of curiousity and those that ate the most mud pies lived due to the abundant minerals that resided there. This resulted in the more curious, dirt eating babies living longer and, voila, modern day dirt eating babies now run rampant amongst us!
Or, maybe, we just have a gross baby!
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